Friday, November 2, 2007

MAIL IN YOUR BALLOTS (from the redundancy dept)

Honor those who have fought, killed, and died for our liberties and our right to vote. Please do not Break the Faith with our Veterans, Fallen Soldiers and MIA/POW’s by not voting. Every election, nothing less than your personal liberty is at stake.


Recently on Wally’s Blog I made reference to elements in the News Media and the destructiveness of the Peace Movement in the United States. I was called to the carpet by one of our servicemen who served in Iraq to cite sources for a claim that I made. He may not realize it, but I am grateful because it prompted me to research some people and Events. I would like to refer you to Wally’s website,
And to look at his article, Do you see what I see.
There are 9 posts, and this is where I was called to the carpet.
· Poindexter P. Parkenfarker
October 28th, 2007 16:53
"I believe that Al Quaida learned well from North Viet Nam. After the war, the North Vietnamese Generals said that the United States had solidly won the war twice. And they knew that they lost almost every battle in the field. What the NVA generals told the world was that they defeated the US because of Soviet and Chinese agents directing the US Peace movement, they were losing the war in S.E. Asia, but winning the war with our own peace movement. They learned, we didn’t."

Mr. Knappenberger then asked me to cite references, because he refused to believe it. However, he accurately assessed the NVA perspective during the War.
So, below are my references, with a correction. (thank you Mr. Knappenberger.)
I was only able to find ONE occasion that the NVA were ready to negotiate their surrender to us. That was after they lost 90,000 of their volunteers, which was ½ of their forces after they failed to take and hold any territory or strategic points during the Tet offensive of 1968 (year of the Goat to year of the Monkey) Since the first advisers under President Eisenhower and Kennedy to this point in the war, we tragically had lost 10,000 of our young boys. Had we accepted their surrender and President Johnson had not bowed down to our own peace protesters the war would have been over in 1968.
General Vo Nguyen Giap credited our News Media and the Peace Protesters for delivering him a political victory from a military defeat. The Soviets funded and directed the Peace movement and considered this a great propaganda victory for communism.
So here are several references which are a good jumping off point to further research this whether you agree with my premise or not.
plus google search Vo Nguyen Giap for many more references and a biography.

By no means am I demonizing the past or current Peace Movement, but make no mistake about it, I disagree with it and think that even though their hearts are in the right place, that ultimately it may unwittingly cause more death, destruction and tragedy for our young boys and girls in uniform serving around the world.
I sense that you have been truly affected by Stop Loss and this may be the biggest motivation for your efforts.
I do not think that re-instating the draft is a solution, but I wonder if they raised the age of enlistment for reservists if some of us old out of shape guys could run supply lines, drive transports and take on many support duties if that would be a better solution than Stop-Loss? (so long as we don’t fall over dead during basic training.) My thoughts are that volunteers who believe in the policy may be more effective than Drafting or Stop-Lossing those who don’t.

Side note: Several of my friends survived the Tet Offensive and on rare occasions tell me hellish things that I wish no- one should ever have to experience. They lost heroic friends and were themselves permanently wounded.

p.s. many thanks to gk and others for references and guidance in research.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


It seems that many people are either waiting until the last minute to vote or are uninterested in the future of our cities and county. Whether we agree or not on who to vote for, it is not a good sign that many folks are not participating.

I'm also interested in what folks' thoughts are about the process to solve the 9100 ballot glitch and whether they are comfortable with the solution. There were observers from several concerns watching the process at the courthouse today.

Tomorrow I promised some documentation for a thought that I had over at Wally's site pertaining to an unrelated non -local issue.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloweennnnnnnn!

Hillary is the scariest face for Halloween and Rudy is the second scariest face. I just read that somewhere, and I'm sure that poll is probably anecdotal at best. My thought is that a Clinton vs. Giuliani Race would be about as interesting as a Mets vs.Yankees World Series. It is interesting how the other Democrat wanna-be's are all trashing Hillary for everything from her lack of integrity to lack of skills. So much for their chances at VP nominations if they don't shoot the moon and win the party nomination for the big show.

Meanwhile, Rudy may be one of the most efficient administrators, but many conservatives are having difficulty with him, and seem to be split among Huckabee and Hunter as Thompson loses traction. Personally, I am still evaluating all of the Elephants who want the nomination to the big show.

Somewhere around here, I still have Griffey for Prez propaganda, but you can see how far that got.

Anyway, enjoy and have a safe Halloween!