Thursday, January 31, 2008


(Guest Writer: gk)

(Folks, before we begin with gk's column, I have found pictures for all my authors...I hope they forgive me...-Dexter)

Well, well, well, let the mocking begin! I missed my Florida Election percentages by a skosh!

Let me review my exact prediction's words (written a full 5 days ago.)


Several of my Ron Paul supporting friends have made sure that I get my fair share of favorable Ron Paul editorials - but being the "fair and balanced" guy that I am, here is another view extracted from one of my favorite websites/Patriot Post (which newsletter I subscribe to). You be the judge! Read and Learn.

(Added Note: I have not included the Ron Paul Editorial link - email me if you want it or see it by scrolling to the end of the archives at)

IMHO, both Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani & Huckabee are going to make or break in Florida - if these three can't poll well there, (at least 1st or 2nd) they are just about done - and if that doesn't do it, the 5 Feb primaries will certainly tell the story, where up to 20 states and 1/3 of Americans will be voting. Only the top two candidates will survive after 5 Feb. Florida will be Giuliani's first real test, he passed up all the other earlier state's primaries to concentrate his money/ads and campaigning time in Florida, where he has canvassed/crisscrossed the state for the past 60 days.

Ron Paul also needs to finish high in Florida (against Romney/McCain/Huckabee/Giuliani) to validate his polling data - which, when allowed to be skewed by his followers with call-ins, etc - shows unbelievably high percentages of support. Now lets see if these 40% or higher phone-in polls in other states, are supported in the same numbers at the Florida voting box, with actual voters/votes, which can't be skewed by Ron Paul supporter's phone-ins or emails. I'll eat my words if Ron Paul surprises me!

Bush was elected by the Floridians twice - the first time 2000, as recalled, in a real squeaker/recounts/court cases, etc. Whomever becomes the eventual Republican nominee, can't get elected President without being first or at least a strong second in total state voting numbers - in the 29 Jan Florida primary - I think - anyone being down in the teens % or single digits % in Florida is not going to hack it - for whomever is down there in the ground clutter is an "also ran".

But that is where I think Ron Paul is going to be, and maybe even Huckabee.

I predict it will be Romney - 26 %, McCain 24% and Giuliani 20%, Huckabee in the high teens and Ron Paul in the low teens or even high single digits. Of course, all these numbers could be plus or minus 4%, and because the top three will be so close, their final percentages could put them in a different winning order. But for sure, Romney and McCain will be the top two, we'll see the final order- but I'm guessing Romney. You can mock me if I'm wrong!


Lets see how I did on my wonderful "predictions"?

This predicting exact election results percentages is tricky business! Even given I gave myself a plus or minus 4%. I expected the Florida election results to be a real statistical squeaker with Mitt Romney narrowly defeating John McCain. The final results were - (my 5 days earlier prediction in paren's and the actual result follows):

McCain - (24%) 35.8%
Romney (26 %) 31.1%
Giuliani (20%) 15%
Huckabee (Huckabee in the high teens) 13.3%
Paul (low teens or even high single digits) 3.2%.

As you can see, McCain's final winning numbers surprised me, but I have an explanation for that - more on that later.

Except for McCain's win - I had the order correct. And although I gave myself a plus or minis 4% points difference in my percentages, McCain's difference was almost 10% higher, Romney's was 5.1% higher, and the other three were 5% lower or much lower then my predictions.

Obviously, McCain really over-performed, Romney was a strong second, but the bottom three - under-performed. I expected Giuliani to break into the low 20's but in fact - he didn't even do as well as his campaign strategy of skipping earlier primaries, focusing in Florida - spending all his time (60 days crisscrossing the state) and $3M ad money there...... was a failure. And also, as predicted, if he didn't make a good showing, he was/and he announced today, he is history.

The main thrust of my comments/earlier prediction were actually focused on Ron Paul - a Ron Paul editorial - when I expressed strong skepticism in Ron Paul's apparent strength & stated that his various debates "call-in" polling (and other polling) numbers were extremely inflated. I said I would "eat my words" if I was proved wrong!

It was even worse then I predicted, at least I gave Paul enough credit that he was going to be in the low teens or high single digits. He wasn't even outside the 4% margin of error I gave myself, he polling 3.2% which is my version of being down in the "ground clutter", i.e. Paul not even making enough of a blip on the (political) radar screen as to be unseen!

And of course, Giuliani is supposed announce he is dropping out this morning and endorse McCain. That's not a surprise either - his main (single?) issue was the War on Terror - which also is McCain's and he too, might be thinking if he throws in his lot with McCain, McCain will reward him by picking him as his V.P. running mate.

Although Huckabee was in the low teens and ought to drop out of the race, he is soldiering on - I believe, hoping to win the southern states (probably not) and hoping to gain enough delegates to throw in his lot with and be McCain's Vice-Presidential choice- putting him over the top. The longer the Huckster sticks around, the more conservative votes he siphons off of Romney - and that too, might be the Huckabee/McCain strategy - McCain might even have an "under the table deal" to get the Huckster to stick around at least through the 5 Feb "Super Tues Primaries" - knowing that it will hurt his main competition (Romney). This will not bother McCain who appeals to Republican moderates/even independents/and some disaffected Democrats, but will hurt Romney, by Huckabee and Romney splitting the conservatives/Evangelical/vast right wing conspiracy (of which I'm a charter member!)

And don't ask me about Ron Paul anymore - he apparently is also going to stay in the race - but I don't know why? Ego? You explain it to me! I haven't understood the Ron Paul phenomenon from the get-go, still don't, but it seems that in every presidential race, we have some fringe candidate come out of the woodwork - Peroit, (Bush Sr. spoiler), Ralph Nader (Algore/Kerry spoiler), who skews the election results. And now Ron Paul, being this season's fringe candidate.

It doesn't appear that Ron Paul is going to be as much of a factor in 2008 as some of the earlier presidential election's fringe candidates have had here-to-fore. I don't want to write about Ron Paul anymore - like I said, he is down in the ground clutter - an insignificant statistic, and his presence in the race, touting his "issues" (which seems to be isolationism - cut & run in Iraq) isn't even forcing the mainstream Republican candidates to change their mainline stances/issues, as Edwards did over on the Democrat side. He is a non-factor and not worth wasting anymore time discussing. He doesn't even have a "block of delegates" that he can use to gain concessions on issues he backs- out of the front runners and it doesn't seem he will.

By contrast to Ron Paul - on the D's side, Edwards declared early on in his bid for the Democrat nomination, if he is elected, he would immediately withdraw from Iraq! His position has had a significant effect on the other two Democrat Presidential front runners - Billary and Obama.

In Billary's, Florida acceptance speech last nite, (although no Democrats campaigned and were forbidden by the DNC in the meaningless Florida Democrat Primary Election), she stated that if elected, on her first day as President (makes me shutter to type that statement!), she would call in her Military Leaders and tell them to come back with a plan to pull all our troops out of Iraq in 60 days! An amazing Billary movement to the far left -- for someone who is considered herself a "centralist." In other words, in order for her to get the far left Democrat voters, she has signed off all the possible cross-over disaffected Republican voters for whom the War-on-Terror is their priority issue. They certainly won't vote for the Democrat candidate now, given both Billary and Obama are saying they will cut & run immediately.

Billary's earlier stances (starting some 6 months ago?) were/was basically the same as Pres. Bush's, that she would withdraw as advised by the Military Leaders. With Edwards seemingly getting the far left fringe Kook vote by saying he would withdraw from Iraq immediately, Billary shifted to, "she would immediately withdraw all American combat troops, leaving only enough to train the Iraqi military and protect American interests (Baghdad Green Zone/International Embassies/Iraqi Central Govt, etc)." Now she has "evolved" to where she will withdraw all American Troops out of Iraq in 60 days with no caveats! Isn't this called "flip-flopping?" You tell me!

I don't want this treatise into turn into a book but will try to explain McCain's surprising win percentage. You won't hear this on Rush either. At least, I haven't heard it so far!

Reason #1 for McCain's win: A significant factor for McCain's good showing is that two very popular Florida Republican politicians, Governor Charlie Crist and Senator Mel Martinez endorsed McCain a day or two before the election.

This was big! And I would guess, accounted for at least half of McCain's surprising win. These blockbuster endorsements happened after my predictions.

As an aside - my own #1 issue in this election is Natl Defense, which happens to be McCain's also. I agree with Geo. W's position on the War on Terror and Iraq/Afghanistan exactly and so does and always has, McCain. So as far as my #1 issue, can I vote for McCain? (VS "Cut & Run" Billary/Obama/Edwards) You bet!

But I would have thought that the illegal alien issue would have had a greater impact on this election then obviously it has. Given, McCain has repeatedly and clearly stated "I get it, the people want our borders secured before any other actions are taken, i.e. Amnesty, etc" and that the notion of Amnesty is dead/history" etc. So I would have thought that a lot of folks would have backed Romney, who has been the strongest on what is my #2 campaign issue. We'll see, might make a difference yet. But it doesn't look like the
Amnesty issue it getting much traction now.

As I earlier predicted, in order to win the nomination and especially the presidency - the Republican candidate has to have a either a win or a strong 2nd place finish in Florida. McCain and Romney did this and so, are still viable candidates. Granted, it was not as close I as expected, but there is an explanation.

Reason #2 for the McCain win: The other half of McCain's surprise I think, resulted from a quirky Florida Election law, (same as present Washington election law) requiring every voter to declare their party, either Democrat of Republican? They were then given either a D or an R ballot. There was no provision for Independents!

It is being said constantly by the various talking heads that McCain's long suit is "independents" supporting him. According to the extracted quote below - Florida Elections officials were "unofficially" instructing independents to declare for one or the other party, in order to vote, which they did - most opting for Republican ballots and voting for McCain!

Although not mentioned in anything you are going to read in the MSM, Florida also had a very controversial Florida Property Tax issue on the Primary Ballot, and a lot of the Florida voters wanted to vote on this important issue. In order to do this, voters had to get one or the other party's ballot. So, surprise - surprise (to me at least - I din't know this requirement or the property issue when I made my "predictions"), these independent voters got Republican ballots and "Oh, by the way, while voting on the Florida Property Tax issue, I guess I will just check McCain as well, since I don't want to vote for either a woman (Billary) or a black (Obama) and I don't like the "Breck Girl"!"

Also a big surprise (NOT!), half of Florida is over 60, white/cross-over voters, and McCain got the majority of these votes! DAH! Who is the oldest white person in the history of the United States to run for the presidency? McCain. Who are the older white folks in Florida going to identify with? That's a no-brainer! McCain!

So, I think the late Crist/Martinez endorsements and the Florida Election laws had a lot to do with the surprising McCain win in Florida.

This quote is extracted from the linked article below.

In northern Coral Springs, near the Sawgrass Expressway and Coral Ridge Drive, David Nirenberg arrived to vote as an independent. Nevertheless, he said poll workers insisted he choose a party ballot."He said to me, 'Are you Democrat or Republican?' I said, 'Neither, I am independent.' He said, 'Well, you have to pick one,''' Nirenberg said.In Florida, only those who declare a party are allowed to cast a vote in that party's presidential primary.Nirenberg said he tried to explain to the poll worker that he should not vote on a party ballot because of his "no party affiliation" status.Nirenberg said a second poll worker was called over who agreed that independents should not use party ballots, but said they had received instructions to the contrary."He said, 'Ya know, that is kind of funny, but it was what we were told.' … I was shocked when they told me that." Nirenberg said he went ahead and voted for John McCain.

And of course, the rest is history!

Will the independent vote hold up and back McCain for the rest of the primaries? With Edwards now out of the race, it could be! When confronted with voting for either a woman or a black, many people might just cross over and vote for whoever the Republican front runner is in the remaining primaries - and right now, that's McCain. And he seems to have the big "Mo". (momentum)

I also gave a further "prediction" and said whoever wins the Florida Election will likely win their parties nomination. As far as Billary goes - Dick Morris noted that in an exit poll in Florida, many Democrat voters who voted in person in the polls, said they had changed their mind in the last 3 days to Obama - as a result of the recent S.Carolina events (Bill Klinton's fiasco) while it is thought that those that voted earlier by absentee, voted for Billary. So while Billary won by a bunch in Florida, this might not be indicative of whether these percentage will hold in the 5th Feb Primaries. As I earlier predicted, it is thought that Obama has picked up momentum, and that Billary needed a big win bad! Is Florida enough, or were there circumstances that explain her big win away? i.e. it was because of absentee voters that cast their votes before the S. Carolina final vote was known and Bill's post election remarks were made? We'll see. Stay tuned for the 5th Feb Primaries!

I said those primaries will sort out everyone - I still think that, and I still lean toward Romney and Obama giving McCain and Billary a run for their money. (and McCain doesn't have any!) (Might be the tie-breaker)

Final comment: In one of my recent posts, I said that we (Republicans) are still waiting for someone to voice a believable "Vision" to inspire the people. I listen/watched with great interest last evening - as first Romney and then McCain gave their speeches on TV last nite to their supporters. Romney cleverly took full advantage of the occasion of being on National TV to enumerate his "vision" for America. He went over all the hot button issues - point by point, giving what he intended to do, if elected, and his "vision" sounded pretty darn good to me/very inspiring IMHO.

McCain came on TV, thanked his two endorsers profusely, crediting them with his win, and gave an abbreviated version of his "vision" for America. Compared to Romney - it was not inspiring, nothing new, etc.

Supposedly, this election is all about "Change". Romney said a mouthful last nite in his speech when he said, "If either Billary or McCain are elected, you are just getting the "status quo" candidates, they are just changing chairs", they both being senators and are partly to be blamed for the present status in Washington D.C. By electing him, you get a person from outside the beltway, who would bring "change" to Washington D.C.

Final thought - Romney can fund his own campaign if he has to - and already has organization in all the 21 state having primary elections on 5 Feb. McCain is broke and doesn't. Lets see how that turns out?

So, I'm not "eating my words." I'm having cereal for breakfast, thank you! and listening to Rushbo's brilliant program opening("non-concession speech") this morning as I type this.

Rush's spin is that his stance on declaring McCain & Huckabee not being conservatives, he didn't lose. And he makes a point, in McCain's acceptance speech - he went a long ways out of his way to stake out his claim to be a "Reagan conservative" from his earliest days in politics. So it seems, McCain is moving toward Rush and not vice-versa! In other words, Rush wins again. But the MSM is saying it just the opposite! That McCain's win - is in Rush's face! Who is moving toward conservatism? Rush was and is always there! McCain is the one moving in his stance!

In conclusion, let me say this - Romney has been either the winner or a solid second in not all, at least most of the primaries to now. Until yesterday's Florida "winner-take-all" primary that gives all 57 of their delegate votes to the winner (McCain), Romney had the most delegate votes to the Republican Natl Convention. Romney has enough (personal) money, he can stay in the campaign as long as he wants to. I still think that Romney will win the Republican nomination in a squeaker - but it now seems, that depends on Huckabee and how long he sticks around? By Huckabee and Romney splitting the conservative votes and McCain gaining all the coalition of moderate/independent/ disaffected Democrat crossover voters/those not wanting to vote for either a woman or a black - McCain might just pull it off, after he being literally dead in the water/unmentioned in the MSM last summer! That's what makes campaigns interesting!

So, mock away! I remain your humble predictor but I don't intent to give percentages in the future - too risky! gk

(Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families— Of all the gifts you can give them, PRAYER is the best!) gk

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
Anyone remember when Democrats actually cared about this?
In thier move to the extreme left, they have abandoned the blur collar worker to become the party that has no direction, No hope for the future, No real Ideas of their own.
The biggest thing recruiting new supporters to Dino Rossi, Is the current governer herself.
Folks who voted for her last time, are now saying, "Why should I pay for my health care and the Health care of people who don't want to work?" She and the State Democrats are proposing to pull that money out of my paycheck to do it. I thought that we didn't have a State Income Tax.
But it appears that she is trying to sneak one in under the guise of Universal Health Care."
This is a great gift! Going out and recruiting new supporters for the challengers with bad ideas that hurt the working class. Punish the family who make a combined 50 to 60 thousand a year. Keep proposing a State Income Tax too, while you're at it.
Who is this helping? Are they American Citizens? Are they those whom are disinterested in working? I'm skeptical. The working poor already have a state health program. This is pandering to the socialists, who want something for nothing paid for by you and me. Guys and Gals with JOBS.
p.s. State legislators, keep focusing on impeaching Bush, too. That's bringing more folks with common sense to Rossi also. The State voters gave you consent to legislate on our State Policies, and you,ve fumbled a 2 billion dollar surplus, and put us back into the red. Your own State and County employees have a class action lawsuit over your mismanagement of transfering PERS 2 to PERS 3 retirement accounts. This oversight will cost Stae propertyowners (taxpayers) an additional 5.5 million dollars. No wonder you are taking the back door approach to raise car tabs, allow retroactive property tax increases, and propose to create a State INcome TAx, Increase the gas tax, increase the sales tax, and add a penalty to our paychecks to pay for health care for those who choose not to enter the job market.

To my Democrat Friends:
Thank you for recruiting new GOP support from those who built your party in the 20th century.
The 21st century GOP is a big tent, and the Blue collar worker is just as welcome now as when you came over to vote for Reagan Twice to elect him to two slam dunk landslide victories. It's okay when the rest of you vote for Dino. It is still a secret ballot...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Just pondering...


(Guest Writer: gk)

What a wonderfully interesting election season!

A week or so, I commented about a Ron Paul editorial and Dexter was kind enough to post it to his website - (See: subj: February 5th primaries)

I predicted that the Florida Primary and perhaps the 5th Feb. 20 plus state primaries were really going to sort the presidential primary races out. Course that's not such big news, everyone is saying that. But I made some specific predictions - back a week ago when all the polls were pointing to Billary and McCain wins in Florida.

Today, Monday, has been an exciting day in Presidential Primaries. Where to start? There have been so many surprising events on this day when the S. Carolina Primary results have been announced - Obama trounced Billary 55.4% to Billary's 26.5% Edward's trailed at 17% ! And McCain won handily with 33.3%, Huckabee, 29.9, Thompson, 15.7 and Romney 15.1% and the rest in single digits including Ron Paul with 3.7%. Sorry Ron Paul folks, those figures are going to continue in Florida and elsewhere! I think Giuliani is going to be a one primary candidate too.

Owing to the fact that Bill Klinton angered most of the Blacks and apparently a lot of other folks with his criticism's of Obama - there was a lot of speculation as to how the demographics of those voting for Obama and Billary would break out. As expected, a lot of the blacks supported Obama, but quite a large number of especially white men voted for Obama. But I guess he soundly defeated Billary, two to one - and with all the various commentator's criticism's Billary is getting about their "tag team's" bringing race into the discussion - I think this might be the end of Billary's presidential bid/campaign. The big Mo (momentum) might have just swung- in South Carolina, and now the liberal D's are coming out of the woodwork that are endorsing Obama all over the place! Caroline Kennedy - who till now, has stayed out of the spotlight and hasn't ever endorsed anyone! And then Ted Kennedy coming on board and endorsing Obama on cable TV this morning. And now I hear that the Democrat Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius who gave the forgettable and poorly given response to Pres. Bush's State of the Union speech, plans to endorse Obama tomorrow! And rumor has it that former Pres. Carter and maybe even Algore are coming on board (the band wagon) and endorsing Obama!

I'll bet Billary and Bill's jaws are stiffer then a woodpecker's lips! And they are seeing their ship of state sinking in front of their incredulous eyes! What to do now? I have long predicted that sooner or later, one of them was going to do something that the MSM couldn't ignore, but I never dreamed it would come this soon, or the form it would take. I expected it was going to be Bill's philandering or Billary's illegal campaign contributions. But for Bill to go out in one or two speeches and with a few ill-chosen racial remarks undoing years of Billary's positioning herself with the black voters? Who are an essential constituency for her to win the presidency. Some of the black voters are even saying now, that if Billary wins the Democratic Primary over Barack Obama, they will vote for whoever the Republican candidate is, rather then vote for her! That's some powerful stuff! You gotta love it! Whoo eee!

Tonite, Obama and Ted Kennedy were sitting side by side, during the State of the Union speech and talking together so intently when the TV camera's were on them, I expected them to kiss and hold hands! And whenever the TV panned over to Billary, she had a prune faced look on her face that would have frozen water! You gotta love it. One smart aleck announcer said he thought Obama and Kennedy came into the House Chamber holding hands! Not true, but trying to make a point!

One of those mixed D & R panels that trace the speeches with sqwiggly lines, were informally polled and asked - in view of the severe media and black commentator's reaction to Bill Klinton's comments about Obama being a one dimensional candidate who only appeals to black voters, and therefore couldn't win the presidential election, while Billary could, -- what the Billary/Bill tag team ought to do now? Most of the panelists (both party's) said, Bill ought to take a long vacation! Al Sharpton was even more blunt - saying Bill ought to shut up! That he has really damaged Billary's campaign playing the race card. So, with only 8 days to go till 5 Feb, if Obama manages to win tomorrows meaningless Florida primary (the Dem's have said they aren't going to honor the Florida Democratic Primary results - because they moved their primary election up without the DNC's permission), he may even add to his momentum going into the big 5 Feb nation-wide 20 states primaries. And Billary is frantically trying to come up with a strategy to regain her momentum, with only 8 days to do something.

Some are predicting she will now play the Hispanic card - trying to appeal to the Hispanic voters - perhaps in Calif? to replace those black voters she expects to lose to Obama. We'll see.

So, it's late and I have to go to bed, but before I do, I will further add to my previous prediction where I stated I thought Romney was going to win Florida in a squeaker. (Now Johnny come lately - Newt on TV tonite also said the same thing - I predicted that last week, when McCain still had a big polling lead).

I am further predicting, whomever wins Florida tomorrow on both sides of the isle, has a very good chance of being the Republican & Democrat Candidates for President - and again, giving you-all even more reason to mock me, if I'm wrong! So I guess I am far enough out on a limb and I will go bed.

One final remark - Dick Morris was on Hannity and Colmes tonite, and was being teased cuz he too, now thinks that Obama has a very serious chance of knocking Billary out of the race. I forget which Hannity or Colmes reminded him that he has for the past year, not only predicted that Billary would win the Presidential nomination, but also the presidency. It's the first time I can recall Morris ever admitting in public that one of his "chiseled-in-granite" predictions seems to be -becoming unchiseled! He is always so sure of every word that comes out of his mouth - it was delicious to watch!

There were other things that happened today with the State of the Union speech, where Pres Bush rubbed the D's nose in the fact that one year ago, all the D's were predicting doom and gloom and failure in Iraq, and the surge won't work, and now apparently it has! Gotta love that too, Pres. Bush couldn't hardly keep his famous smirk off his face when he was saying that! but I'll quit with this - goodnite Irene!

(Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families— Of all the gifts you can give them, PRAYER is the best!) gk

Monday, January 28, 2008


(Guest Writer: TIMMY!!!)

Over the years, Democrats' union supporters have consistently funded the opposition campaigns to our initiatives. Nonetheless, voters have voted for our initiatives anyway. So Democrats' union supporters adopted a newstrategy: blocking our initiatives from getting on the ballot. Despite that, we've still managed to overcome their anti-First Amendment efforts and voters have continued to vote for our initiatives. So now they've gone tothe next level: ordering their allies -- Democrat legislators -- to pass anti-initiative laws to help public employee unions' efforts to stop the signature gathering process.

We've known about it for years but never before has their crass anti-initiative plot been more nakedly exposed than by their own secret internal memos (provided to us recently by a whistleblower, a high-ranking official in their public employee union): "Keep an eye out. The best way to beat this is at the signature gathering stage. Please let us know if you see those paid signature hunters in your area and let them know in no uncertain terms what their job will do to your job! Every signature we stop is one more Eyman has to pay for." --Washington State Council of County and City Employees (AFSCME - AFL-CIO) "If you see a signature gatherer, call us. We want to do all we can to stop them." -- Washington State Council of County and City Employees (AFSCME- AFL-CIO) "Keep an eye out for signature gatherers. Mr. Eyman wouldn't have been able to qualify his initiatives if it wasn't for the paid signature gatherers. We need your help to track these mercenaries." -- WashingtonState Council of County and City Employees (AFSCME - AFL-CIO) "If you see a signature gatherer, we suggest you ask signature gatherers if they are being paid, find out their names and take their pictures (alone). 'We would like to identify as many as possible.'" --Washington State Council of County and City Employees (AFSCME - AFL-CIO) Scary, very scary.

And to help clarify what they mean by "let them know in no uncertain terms", here's a formally filed declaration by Danielle M. (last name not included to protect her safety) in King County Superior Court in May, 2004:

On Saturday, May 8th, I was working in front of the Wal-Mart in Renton. I was collecting signatures for Initiative 884, Initiative 864, Initiative892, Initiative 891 and Initiative 872. I was also collecting signatures for Initiative 861 regarding child molestation, but I was volunteering and not expecting to be paid for my work in regard to that petition. While collecting signatures that day and on every day that I collect signatures, I register people to vote if they are not currently registered. I do not get paid for registering people to vote.

On Saturday, May 8th, while I was in front of Wal-Mart, I was approached by three people. One was a Caucasian male carried a sign approximately 5 feet by 5 feet which said something to the effect "Don't Sign Initiative 864 Please." I do not know his name. The second was a woman carrying a similar sign which said "864 Cuts Librarians & Firefighters." I do not know her name. The third was Leslie E. Nichols. He was over 6 foot, 2 inches tall and approximately 280 lbs.The three of them spoke to each other and appeared to be working together.

On several occasions, Mr. Nichols and the other two people repeatedly boxed me into a corner using their signs or shopping carts and their presence to keep people interested in signing petitions or registering to vote away from me.

The man with a sign forced himself in between me and people who, after reading the petition for Initiative 891, asked me for a pen. An elderly customer of Wal-Mart was shaking as the three harassers yelled and she asked me if I was scared. She told me she was going to make a complaint to Wal-Mart. Shortly later, the manager of Wal-Mart came out tothe front.

The woman repeatedly shouted at me and shoppers, yelling that I was a thief and was going to steal the identity of anyone who signed anything. She said "it was all lies" and she offered a black marker to those who were signing petitions so they could strike their signatures.

On several occasions, Mr. Nichols followed me around the front of theWal-Mart in a harassing manner. I tried to stay away from him, but he and the other two repeatedly followed me. He screamed at me and people who were interested in signing petitions or registering to vote. He yelled that I was responsible for firing librarians and firefighters and that all the initiatives were the same.

He also stood so close to me I could feel his breath on the back of myneck. He would grit his teeth and flail his arms or hold his hands behind his back and then suddenly reach out in a manner that was threatening to me.

On another occasion, a Hispanic gentleman who spoke only Spanish to me was excited about the opportunity to register to vote because he had been recently naturalized. He was in the process of pulling out his identification when Mr. Nichols reached across me and slapped his large hand over the clipboard which I was holding and which contained the blank voter registration card. His reach was toward the Hispanic man's wallet which he was in the process of opening. The Hispanic man said to me in Spanish "I'm sorry, but I can't stay," and immediately ran away to his car.

Then, the police came as Mr. Nichols was following me across the front of the store. Then the large man went to a car to get a sign. The police took his name and spoke to me as well. The police also told him that he could not talk to people at the same time I or someone else was talking to them. Shortly thereafter it started to rain and I left.

Because of these harassing incidents, I have not been out collecting signatures since, and therefore my opportunity to work has been severely limited. I am afraid of meeting Mr. Nichols or his associates again. I have suffered significant emotional distress as a result of the Defendants'conduct.

Mr. Nichols has been seen in front of the same Wal-Mart in Renton on several days. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct and was executed by me this 21st day of May, 2004.

Danielle M.-- END --

Last year and this year, people testified before various legislativec ommittees about the harassment and intimidation they've endured while gathering voter signatures. We're in the process of asking them to file their own formal declarations.

House Bill 2019 requires anyone who gathers voter signatures for an initiative to publicly identify themselves and where they live. House Bill 2601 requires anyone who is compensated for gathering signatures to register with the government, obtain a license, provide a photo and home mailing address, and have this information publicly available throughout the signature gathering stage. These bills are being pushed by the most union-funded Democrat legislators, prodded by the most powerful special interest groups in our state including the Washington State Council of County and City Employees (AFSCME - AFL-CIO). Now we know why.

Thankfully, there are legislators like Senator Pam Roach (R-Auburn)with Senate Bill 6612 and Representative Cary Condotta (R-Wenatchee) withHouse Bill 3173 who are sponsoring and promoting the "Valid Voter SignatureProtection Act" which protects valid voter signatures and anyone who gathers them. They and the bills' co-sponsors understand that without heroic citizens willing to offer voters the chance to sign initiative petitions,there is no initiative process. Call Speaker Chopp today -- 360-786-7920. Tell him or whoever answers the phone that you want him to stop all anti-initiative bills, including HB 2019 and HB 2601. If he/they dodge and say "we don't care what you say if you don't live in the 43rd district" tell them that these bills take awaythe First Amendment rights of EVERYONE, not just people in the 43rd. If he/they dodge and say "don't bother us, contact the bill's sponsors" tell them that the bill sponsors are bought-and-paid-for by the unions and they won't listen -- HE'S THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE -- HIS JOB IS TO KILL OFF BAD BILLS -- don't let him or his staff blow you off. If Democrats insist on making it their top legislative priority and making it their legislative legacy to gut the initiative process and squelch free speech, let's make sure it doesn't happen without a fight.

Best Regards, Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, Mike Fagan, & Mike Dunmire

(Thank you Tim, for your permission to print this on my website! I hope you let me interview you soon! -Dexter)

Sunday, January 27, 2008


(Guest Writer: Q)

While the political focus tends to be on the presidential primaries, the state legislature is working on over 1000 new bills that are out to take your money and make your life more congested.

I am happy to say that the House did pass a bill to let motorcycles turn left at a red light when there is no traffic and their bikes don't trigger the light sensor because they are not heavy enough. I know there will be some happy people on this blog. I don't know what the Senate will do with this.

On Friday I sat through a public hearing where the lobbyists were all testifying about the substitute to the bill in question and the legislators hadn't actually seen the document they were referring to. The original bill would add a 14th Growth Management Act element to be considered by local governments whenever they are doing planning which requires the community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 standards. For Whatcom County, that should be great because GP was still in production then, so I'm guessing the air quality standards weren't so good and so it might not be so onerous. The new standards will require a mapping of the carbon emissions footprint in the county at the county's expense, probably underestimated at a cost of $20,000 to $25,000.

Futurewise was the lead proponent of the bill, and their lobbyist kept mentioning how "we" drafted the bill instead of the prime sponsor, Rep. Simpson. When challenged on the number of lawsuits filed for GMA violations by the Republican members, their lobbyist couldn't say about the number. After the hearing, a more senior Futurewise person said there have been hundreds of lawsuits. Local governments should be concerned because this is one of four pieces of legislation that the environmental community wants to pass this year, and it is going to cost local governments and property owners that want to develop land thousands of dollars in compliance costs and legal fees.

The bill number is H.B. 2797.

(if I can get my readers to comment, I might be able to convince her to keep us updated on the happenings in Olympia! -Dexter)


As a former Libertarian, that still has some strong leanings that direction, there are many things that I like about Ron Paul. Many of my close friends have wondered then why I am not leading the Ron Paul charge here in this county.

If the United States were in a different situation, I may be a supporter. However here is where I part ways with Mr. Paul:

We did not declare war on Islam. Wahhabist Fundamentalists, bent on exterminating every living soul in Israel, destroying capitalism, the United States and creating a world wide Caliphate, where individual liberty would cease to exist declared war on us. We inherited this after we took down the Soviet Union. We and China are the only two remaining superpowers. They attack us because we are forgiving and perceived to be weak. They do not attack China, because China would not have "rules of engagement" and other civilized delusions of waging war.

Right now, there are only two Candidates whom I think understand this.

General Jerry Ralph Curry, and John McCain.

There are two more who could learn fast, and they are Romney and Giuliani. There is no other candidate that I think is capable of understanding that we will need an operational military base in Iraq for at least as long as we have had one In Germany or Korea. Maybe Huckabee could get it too. I'm not sure. But not a single Democrat running for president has a clue as to how serious the situation is.

My priorities are:

1) National Security (all aspects)

2) A strong economy (ours and everyone else's)

3) Beating China back to the Moon. (This may not be readily apparent to most as to it's importance. Maybe I'll cover the space race soon?...)