Sometimes I am down right horrible, and run my own little unsupervised experiments.
Not sure if I should apologize to Sam Taylor for using his site for my experiment to see if I could control the direction of dialogue or send a bill to the Bellingham Herald for my services. (It’s all about me, don’cha know…)
As you know I wrote about this topic somewhat in part one and wanted to know more about the voters who let the rest of us make decisions, and what motivates them to come out and participate. This part of my exploration was to find out if no matter if it was the opponents or McCain Palin, could the topics be used to talk about my candidates and almost get everyone to ignore the other two. I was amazed at what I found.
Part of the problem and the current solution is negative campaigns.
It interests some and turns off some folks.
Negative campaigning has some effect, but quite often not the effect that one would think.
The effect that I wanted to see was if dialogue changed to my candidates, whether it be for or against was irrelevant as whether it was about them.
It appears that there may be something to it. As the news media began to question Sarah Palin’s credentials and experience, it didn’t matter. KOS attacking her and slandering her didn’t matter. Why?
Because it was and Is currently, ALL SARAH ALL THE TIME. What happened in the polls nationwide and in the State of Washington? John McCain took the lead or climbed solidly in the polls.
If the other side talks about Sarah, even though it’s negative so to speak, that’s a good thing. They are talking about Sarah…oh yeah, and John’s ability to have good judgment or John’s stealing centrist voters… but nothing about the other two guys. You’d almost forget they were running for office. The rest of this I posted on Sam’s Taylor’s blog.
This may be the public process,even though online commenting is still in it's infancy for public dialogue.Once this fella that I seldom agree with, described on-line comments like a town hall meeting, where everyone wears ski masks and carries baseball bats. I think that is a pretty good description of what goes on.
Whoever gets elected has a tough job ahead, and most folks have a hard time separating campaigning from legislating (or managing)I make no bones about it. Campaigning is a sport to me. You win some and lose some. I figure that we are competing with our opponents for the coveted title. And that the other side is playing to win as much as I do.The goal is to win the hearts and minds of those who participate not so much.Where this banter gets us is name recognition of our candidates.
With all the page views on Sam's website, I have no delusions that anyone takes me seriously, but I found that we have discussed McCain and Palin almost exclusively.Is it that more people are interested in them already and tune in, or is it that we have gotten them interested in McCain/ Palin and they are now tuning in?
I think that there are two kinds of public dialogue. Once folks are elected, no matter what party they are from, on how to progress forward and solve problems with doing no further harm to us in the process. However, I think that campaigns, as a sporting event, are an us vs. the other guys endeavor. Both sides engage in debate of issues, smear tactics, rah rah cheering, and yet nothing any of us says will be taken into consideration by the big players.
It's not a matter of if but how the folks who vote maybe once or twice every four years are affected by the viewpoints in any forum. Whether it be 'Ski Mask town halls' like this or the negative attack ads by both sides or a serious civil discussion of the issues and debates between the candidates. Those who pay attention to issues will ignore the banter and probably listen to debates. Otherwise it is all about popularity and name recognition. No matter who the thread has been about, the dialogue has turned to discussing McCain and Palin and not the other two guys. Both here and nationally. Whether it is positive or negative about them. It has been ALL about McCain and Palin.
Never take my ignorant word for anything, but take a look at the threads on Sam's recent posts during and since the two Big conventions and look at the news.
Sure, I'm biased and presume that the Media is left leaning and attacks my folks running, But I have to agree with Tim Eyeman. "All press is good press as long as it's about me."
We may not like it, but for many folks who work 40 to 60 hours a week, it comes down to name recognition and who they identify with. This is the public process, but only a part of it, and it is still in its infancy. We are better than this, but intellectual civil dialogue doesn't get as much name recognition out there.
Remember when George H.W. Bush was asked a question about the national debt by an audience member who had friends out of work? He did a great job of describing the technical differences between the deficit and the debt. Great issue discussion and dialogue. (put everyone to sleep, even though he described it perfectly.)
Clinton then made an incredible move. Didn't address the debt or the deficit, but simply went out and told that audience member, "I feel your pain"
GHW Bush had brilliantly boring dialogue, but folks identified with Bill. "one of us, so to speak."Like it or not, that's the public who have we been talking about for Sam's readership?...McCain and Palin.To quote Rowan Atkinson, "I'm in a race. I am winningk!"
Stay tuned for part 3.
Not bad for a megalomaniac with little or no edumacation, and as ignorant as I choose to be. (Even though I got as long winded as Hamster guy…a second time…)
Now that Sarah looks to be the Vice President for the next 8 years, I am now requesting all my readers, friends and enemies alike to start campaigning for Sarah to pick me, Poindexter for her running mate in 2016... yes I would be the first cyber vice president...thank you very much...
Friday, September 12, 2008
There are no inconsistencies with Sarah Palin.
Sure, we have to occasionally remind John McCain about incrementally chewing away at our second Amendment rights...
As for the other two guys, we know how the senior senator on the other ticket has assaulted the second amendment with his voting record already.
But let's take a look at the shady lies that the collectivist standard bearer foists off on us ign'ant folk...
John McCain's Opponent in Fairfax Virginia claims that he will support our right to keep and bear arms...Hogwash.
Here are things he says when he ain't yakkin' away at us average Americans, and talkin' to his elite supporters:
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/2004:
"I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry."
Illinois Senate Debate #3 vs Ambassador Alan Keyes, 10/21/2004:
"I think it is a scandal that this president (Bush) did not authorize a renewal of the Assault weapons ban"
The Audacity of Hope, by B.O. 2006:
"I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun Manufacturers."
Politico, 2/11/2008:
"I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country, 'Gun ownership and Gun Restrictions."
Journal Sentinel Online, 2/15/2008:
"There is an individual right to bear arms. But it is subject to common sense regulation."
Baltimore 2/15/2008:
"I think that local jurisdictions have the capability to institute their own gun laws."
We all know how sincere he is talking to his friendly audiences, and how disingenuous he is when talkin' to us 'bitter bible and gun cuddlin' cousins', but us plain folk know that actions speak even louder than words:
Illinois Senate S.B. 2165, vote 20, 3/25/2004:
'the One' voted to allow the prosecution of people who use a firearm for self defense in their homes.
Chicago Defender, 12 13/1999:
'our opponent' supported increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500%
United States Senate. S. 397, vote 219:
'the attorney' voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.
Illinois Senate Debate #3 vs Ambassador Alan Keyes:
'the candidate' emphatically exclaimed that he will vote to reimpose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.
Independent voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization General Candidate Questionnaire, 9/9/1996, and Politico, 3/31/2008:
"I endorse and will work toward a Ban on ALL Handguns."
Chicago Tribune, 9/15/2004, and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/2/2008:
'the messiah' will work to abolish Right To Carry Laws in Illinois(04) and Nationwide(08).
United States Senate, S. 397, vote 217, 7/29/2005:
'the wise one' voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
FACT CHECK; His Majesty's campaign website, 12/11/2007:
Gun Owners will be required to be licensed and register ALL firearms.
Illinois Senate. H.B. 2579, vote 34 5/16/2003:
Voted to limit firearm purchases to one per month.
This dude wants to change the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
He claims that John McCain and Sarah Palin are out of touch with mainstream America.
Doesn't he realize that Americans want to change Washington D.C.?
If this is the change he wants, How will he prosecute us plain folk who make up 70% of America?
This is a dude who can't tell the difference between a Royals/ Chiefs fan and a Cardinals/ Rams fan. On his behalf, though, we should give him a little leniency. It's not his fault he can't tell the difference between a pitbull and a razorback either. Sarah may have smiled at the comment,
But Gonzaga fans took offense to the 'Razorbacks with lipstick comment', that may be as bad or worse than mistaking Kansas City for Saint Louis...
This is a dude that thinks that AR 15's and AK 47's are used in more crimes than baseball bats and kitchen knifes. and He thinks John McCain is out of touch?
This is not the kind of gun grabbing collectivist I want in a position to change America.
I want a president who will not give our sovereignty up to the third world dictator country club, that we affectionately call the 'United Nations'.
John McCain and Sarah Palin will not decimate our God given rights.
John McCain and Sarah Palin understand that we have an individual right to protect our life liberty and property.
On another note... look how much safer president John McCain and our secret service will be, knowing that Sarah Palin is carrying concealed, there to protect THEM!!!
For your Amusement; the Intellectually Elite Matt Damon who fell for a hoax...
Official Response stolen from sound politics by me:
when liberals talk, people listen...then they vote Republican...
keep talkin'...
Sure, we have to occasionally remind John McCain about incrementally chewing away at our second Amendment rights...
As for the other two guys, we know how the senior senator on the other ticket has assaulted the second amendment with his voting record already.
But let's take a look at the shady lies that the collectivist standard bearer foists off on us ign'ant folk...
John McCain's Opponent in Fairfax Virginia claims that he will support our right to keep and bear arms...Hogwash.
Here are things he says when he ain't yakkin' away at us average Americans, and talkin' to his elite supporters:
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/2004:
"I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry."
Illinois Senate Debate #3 vs Ambassador Alan Keyes, 10/21/2004:
"I think it is a scandal that this president (Bush) did not authorize a renewal of the Assault weapons ban"
The Audacity of Hope, by B.O. 2006:
"I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun Manufacturers."
Politico, 2/11/2008:
"I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country, 'Gun ownership and Gun Restrictions."
Journal Sentinel Online, 2/15/2008:
"There is an individual right to bear arms. But it is subject to common sense regulation."
Baltimore 2/15/2008:
"I think that local jurisdictions have the capability to institute their own gun laws."
We all know how sincere he is talking to his friendly audiences, and how disingenuous he is when talkin' to us 'bitter bible and gun cuddlin' cousins', but us plain folk know that actions speak even louder than words:
Illinois Senate S.B. 2165, vote 20, 3/25/2004:
'the One' voted to allow the prosecution of people who use a firearm for self defense in their homes.
Chicago Defender, 12 13/1999:
'our opponent' supported increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500%
United States Senate. S. 397, vote 219:
'the attorney' voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.
Illinois Senate Debate #3 vs Ambassador Alan Keyes:
'the candidate' emphatically exclaimed that he will vote to reimpose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.
Independent voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization General Candidate Questionnaire, 9/9/1996, and Politico, 3/31/2008:
"I endorse and will work toward a Ban on ALL Handguns."
Chicago Tribune, 9/15/2004, and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/2/2008:
'the messiah' will work to abolish Right To Carry Laws in Illinois(04) and Nationwide(08).
United States Senate, S. 397, vote 217, 7/29/2005:
'the wise one' voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
FACT CHECK; His Majesty's campaign website, 12/11/2007:
Gun Owners will be required to be licensed and register ALL firearms.
Illinois Senate. H.B. 2579, vote 34 5/16/2003:
Voted to limit firearm purchases to one per month.
This dude wants to change the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
He claims that John McCain and Sarah Palin are out of touch with mainstream America.
Doesn't he realize that Americans want to change Washington D.C.?
If this is the change he wants, How will he prosecute us plain folk who make up 70% of America?
This is a dude who can't tell the difference between a Royals/ Chiefs fan and a Cardinals/ Rams fan. On his behalf, though, we should give him a little leniency. It's not his fault he can't tell the difference between a pitbull and a razorback either. Sarah may have smiled at the comment,
But Gonzaga fans took offense to the 'Razorbacks with lipstick comment', that may be as bad or worse than mistaking Kansas City for Saint Louis...
This is a dude that thinks that AR 15's and AK 47's are used in more crimes than baseball bats and kitchen knifes. and He thinks John McCain is out of touch?
This is not the kind of gun grabbing collectivist I want in a position to change America.
I want a president who will not give our sovereignty up to the third world dictator country club, that we affectionately call the 'United Nations'.
John McCain and Sarah Palin will not decimate our God given rights.
John McCain and Sarah Palin understand that we have an individual right to protect our life liberty and property.
On another note... look how much safer president John McCain and our secret service will be, knowing that Sarah Palin is carrying concealed, there to protect THEM!!!
For your Amusement; the Intellectually Elite Matt Damon who fell for a hoax...
Official Response stolen from sound politics by me:
when liberals talk, people listen...then they vote Republican...
keep talkin'...
2008 presidential race
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Please take a long sincere moment of silence for all those innocent folks who died at the hands of evil.
...And an extra moment of silence for my brothers and sisters in the Fire Service along with those good folks in Law Enforcement and EMS services who sacrificed on this day not so long ago...
...And an extra moment of silence for my brothers and sisters in the Fire Service along with those good folks in Law Enforcement and EMS services who sacrificed on this day not so long ago...
citizens or civilians,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008



I enjoy the paraody and hoax pictures more than the Daily KOS likes to fabricate hate speech and lies.
Somebody please tell me that the pictures of the Credentials for the Democrat National Convention is a photoshop hoax?
And tell me that the dude who is the standard bearer for the Democratics is photoshopped into the next picture?
This guy really isn't that disrespectful to the flag of our great country?
The Democrat Party is not anti-American, either?
Anyway, I am proud to have a war hero and an average American citizen representing the GOP.
MCCAIN / PALIN 2008!!!
...a blowout in the meadowlands...
2008 presidential race
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

(Guest Writer: Space Ghost)
I read once that every person who writes a letter to the editor represents a thousand people who agree with them, but didn't take the time to write. Using that formula it appears that at least 3000 people read my article and found it of interest. That seems like enough of an imprimatur to me, so I'm sending you several more thoughts!
Living in Poverty?
Support the Democrat Party...
we’ll help keep you there!
The Democrat Party:
Holding progress and true equality
in check for decades!
High Taxes a Burden?
The Democrat Party has something big in store for you: More taxes!
If conservatives are considered as right,
should liberals be considered as wrong?
America is important enough to fight for!
“Change” requires a firm foundation from which to work, and a clearly stated objective to work toward. Fancy words are neither.
“Change” as a campaign slogan has no real teeth... it’s simply gumming the issue.
Bumper Sticker:
United States - Capitalism,
Obama - Socialism,
It’s NOT time for a change!
Women’s Right to Choose
I believe women have a right to choose. The choice is whether or not to engage in unprotected sex.
If they choose not to, and it occurs anyway, that’s called rape. The rapist does not have the right to make this choice, and laws exist for punishment of this choice.
What if the act of rape creates a fetus? It should be delivered full term and given for adoption if the mother does not choose to raise it.
And what about the argument that it was a rape in the first place - that the mother did not “choose” the pregnancy? Life is not always fair, but killing an unborn infant is way less than fair. It’s murder.
However, if women choose to engage in unprotected sex, then nothing in that decision gives them a further right to choose to take away the life of a living fetus.
In fact, what it gives them is a responsibility to take care of this living creature that their first bad choice created. And another bad choice - abortion - doesn’t fix anything. It’s simply another bad choice.
Give the child a good life. Humanity will benefit.
After all, you’re reading this because someone decided not to abort you!
Living in Poverty?
Support the Democrat Party...
we’ll help keep you there!
The Democrat Party:
Holding progress and true equality
in check for decades!
High Taxes a Burden?
The Democrat Party has something big in store for you: More taxes!
If conservatives are considered as right,
should liberals be considered as wrong?
America is important enough to fight for!
“Change” requires a firm foundation from which to work, and a clearly stated objective to work toward. Fancy words are neither.
“Change” as a campaign slogan has no real teeth... it’s simply gumming the issue.
Bumper Sticker:
United States - Capitalism,
Obama - Socialism,
It’s NOT time for a change!
Women’s Right to Choose
I believe women have a right to choose. The choice is whether or not to engage in unprotected sex.
If they choose not to, and it occurs anyway, that’s called rape. The rapist does not have the right to make this choice, and laws exist for punishment of this choice.
What if the act of rape creates a fetus? It should be delivered full term and given for adoption if the mother does not choose to raise it.
And what about the argument that it was a rape in the first place - that the mother did not “choose” the pregnancy? Life is not always fair, but killing an unborn infant is way less than fair. It’s murder.
However, if women choose to engage in unprotected sex, then nothing in that decision gives them a further right to choose to take away the life of a living fetus.
In fact, what it gives them is a responsibility to take care of this living creature that their first bad choice created. And another bad choice - abortion - doesn’t fix anything. It’s simply another bad choice.
Give the child a good life. Humanity will benefit.
After all, you’re reading this because someone decided not to abort you!
(not sure what an imprimatur is, maybe some kind of Kansas built Chopper?
anyway, keep commenting folks, and maybe I can keep this guy writing!-Dexter)
guest writers
Monday, September 8, 2008

(Guest Writer: gk)
If you are interested in some background info on BP oil, how it got to where it is, & Sarah Palin's taking them is an interesting article. It also makes some comparisons between Palin and Biden - shedding some light on Biden's so-called "Foreign Affairs" experience - sounds like it doesn't amount to much and is much ado about nothing - which doesn't surprise me -
I'll bet that Obama right now is kicking himself for not picking Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, who could have nullified any advantage the McCain has gained by picking Governor Palin as his running mate. I have heard that she is almost if not, as radical a liberal as he is. Now he is stuck with Joe Biden, who is about as exciting as watching grass grow or paint dry and doesn't mean much gaining votes wise IMHO.
I'll bet that Obama right now is kicking himself for not picking Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, who could have nullified any advantage the McCain has gained by picking Governor Palin as his running mate. I have heard that she is almost if not, as radical a liberal as he is. Now he is stuck with Joe Biden, who is about as exciting as watching grass grow or paint dry and doesn't mean much gaining votes wise IMHO.
2008 presidential race,
guest writers
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