Thursday, January 3, 2008


My favorite Media darling is at it again!
This time Tim Eyman will bring out an initiative that will redirect around $85 million dollars to ease congestion in the I-5 corridor. I can already hear the opposition lining up to bash him, and the Main Stream Media ready to attack him personally for his newest Initiative. He needs about 225,000 signatures to get this one on the November Ballot. As always the devil is in the details, but it appears that it may also open up the HOV lanes during certain hours to all motorists. It has been suggested that this is money that should have been used for this purpose but was already re-directed to the general fund, by the current Governor and majority Democrats. If I pay $30 tabs plus a $25 weight fee for an American Motorcycle, this may be the best use of the money I'm already being gouged for. ( the weight fee is nearly the same as I pay for my 1 ton truck, go figure...)
Anyway, Go Timmy, Go!!! All press, bad or good, is good for Timmy!!!


Theslowlane Robert Ashworth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theslowlane Robert Ashworth said...

Tabs for smaller and less expensive vehicles cost the same as tabs for bigger more expensive vehicles due to Eyman's first initiative. Some people with less expensive vehicles actually saw their tab price go up to $30, while owners of more expensive cars saw their price come down to $30. Before that Eyman initiative, the cost of license tabs was partially based on value of the vehicle.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

THanks for resending your comment.
Not sure how I deleted it. My bad.

My one thought was not on the cost of tabs as the similar fee for two entirely different weights of vehicles (1 ton truck vs. American Motorcycle)

Theslowlane Robert Ashworth said...

I made a mistake in my first comment and tried to delete it myself. Blogger allowed me to do that as I am also a Blogger user, but then there is a second step to delete that a comment was made and deleted. I tried to do that also, but I think only you, the blog owner can do that.

Theslowlane Robert Ashworth said...

Woops. I guess I was reading that too fast.

Yes, it is strange that a weight fee would be the same for a motorcycle and a 1 ton truck.