Tuesday, February 26, 2008


After reading a diatribe by somebody who has taken offense that one of my writers was born with the initials gk, I couldn't believe it. Is this guy serious? It seems so.

I had no idea, that only one person in the entire world wide web is allowed to use his own initials.
Amazing, I learn something new every day. I have had comments to columns written by gk on my site that have emphatically stated that there can only be one gk and the gk who writes for me better find new initials to sign with.

For those of you who may be confused, there are no collectivists who write for me. If you are looking for anti- property rights columns, then you are most definately at the wrong site. This site is not going to appeal to your sensibilities.

If it were not for several e-mails that I recieved about this column on another site, ( A very good one, if I might add; I don't agree with all of their columns, but I do like the idea of the government doing the public's business in public or some such. ) I wouldn't address this topic.
But here goes, No one chooses their birth initials, so if you meet someone who may have your initials, don't be too dissapointed. I would suspect that this is very common.

But I gotta admit, this other fella gave me an inspirational concept: Political Graffiti. Poly-Tagging, I like it!
I think that I shall run with it. My new subheading for my group may very well become:


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