Thursday, August 14, 2008


Originally I had planned to go out on a friend's Reefnet gear today, but it looks like maybe Saturday. Might be the final day for the Test catch. I hope that All the rest of the US fishermen get another opener while the fish are showing up this month. Now I remember why I retired from Commercial Fishing.

But instead, I was inspired by Alan Rhodes of the Cascadia Weekly, a fishwrapper of the second magnitude on page 6 of this Link:
(Fishwrappers of first magnitude have more black and white and less color. Makes for a much better wrap for fish without the color pictures...)

I decided to try snake waving, not sure what it was, of course I had to ask the smartest person I wife. That didn't work out so good. I thought that large amounts of tequila was involved, and so were lots of naked women and some Dionysian kind of thing...maybe it was how I asked the know, steak really does work good for my black eyes...(watch out for left handed ladies...)

I also miss the days where I could force my deckhands to work 20 hour days, force my kids into slave labor processing my fish, but you know, if occasionally they lost a finger into the canned goods, I knew that I wouldn't have my health care dictated to me by any State, or worse yet, being told I need health care when I don't want it, or heaven forbid, that I should have to pay for the doctor to sew up my kids,when I could electrical tape the wound for them all by myself...
"Health Care" is really just a code word for impeding Natural Selection... (My "Campaign for Liberty" buddies will never be near as paranoid as I am...Amatuers...)

Did Alice Cooper and Barry Goldwater really party together...or did someone else make that up before I did...?

(Socialism is the enemy of all free men...)

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