Tuesday, September 9, 2008


(Guest Writer: Space Ghost)

I read once that every person who writes a letter to the editor represents a thousand people who agree with them, but didn't take the time to write. Using that formula it appears that at least 3000 people read my article and found it of interest. That seems like enough of an imprimatur to me, so I'm sending you several more thoughts!
Living in Poverty?
Support the Democrat Party...
we’ll help keep you there!
The Democrat Party:
Holding progress and true equality
in check for decades!
High Taxes a Burden?
The Democrat Party has something big in store for you: More taxes!
If conservatives are considered as right,
should liberals be considered as wrong?
America is important enough to fight for!
“Change” requires a firm foundation from which to work, and a clearly stated objective to work toward. Fancy words are neither.
“Change” as a campaign slogan has no real teeth... it’s simply gumming the issue.
Bumper Sticker:
United States - Capitalism,
Obama - Socialism,
It’s NOT time for a change!
Women’s Right to Choose
I believe women have a right to choose. The choice is whether or not to engage in unprotected sex.
If they choose not to, and it occurs anyway, that’s called rape. The rapist does not have the right to make this choice, and laws exist for punishment of this choice.
What if the act of rape creates a fetus? It should be delivered full term and given for adoption if the mother does not choose to raise it.
And what about the argument that it was a rape in the first place - that the mother did not “choose” the pregnancy? Life is not always fair, but killing an unborn infant is way less than fair. It’s murder.
However, if women choose to engage in unprotected sex, then nothing in that decision gives them a further right to choose to take away the life of a living fetus.
In fact, what it gives them is a responsibility to take care of this living creature that their first bad choice created. And another bad choice - abortion - doesn’t fix anything. It’s simply another bad choice.
Give the child a good life. Humanity will benefit.
After all, you’re reading this because someone decided not to abort you!

(not sure what an imprimatur is, maybe some kind of Kansas built Chopper?
anyway, keep commenting folks, and maybe I can keep this guy writing!-Dexter)

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