Wednesday, September 17, 2008


G,G,G,Gloria the man hater is who the left idolizes.
It now appears that she is a lady hater, too.
Sarah is not shrill,
is not a harpy.
Sarah is comfortable in her own skin.
Sarah cannot be controlled by any woman,
or any man.
She will stand up to her own party as well as 'Jackass the Party'.
I suspect that she will even stand up to John McCain if she believes he is wrong.

Sarah is one of us folks from mainstreet America,
that the progressives look down upon as they fly from
New York to Hollywood.
Sarah is tough.
She is confident.
She has been a commercial fisherman.
She is a big game hunter.
She is who she is.
She is proud and not ashamed to be a Lady.

The elitists who want to tell us how we should think
are already buying into the bookbanning myths.
Please keep up the nastiness,
Keep up the attacks.
Bring up the shrill intensity.
It will slide right off her teflon coated skin.
It will show her for who she is...
...and the progressives for what they are.

The real reason the progressives hate her?
They know their good freinds are now telling us
conservatives that they are switching to McCain


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