Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Since everybody else is still electioneering violating all the homes (polling locations) by beaming in their propaganda, and as Space Ghost pointed out to me in the comments of my last post, my home is no longer a polling location, I'll throw my half-penny thought into the mix.

I'll bet my dear collectivist, spread the wealth WOHLFAHRTSSTAAT Party friends won't be surprised by my picks (that I plagiarised from my intellectually superior friend, gk).

And a special congratulations to my daughter for finally becoming my equal.
Is it that I think she is finally as smart as me?
Is it that she believes she's much smarter than me and I R Stoopid?
What has finally put my daughter on equal footing with me as a citizen of the United States of America?
Now get out and cast yours DAMMIT!!!


Federal Offices:

· President:
- McCain/Palin

· U.S. Congress Dist. #2:
- Rick Bart

State Offices:

· Governor:
- Dino Rossi

· Lt. Governor:
- Maria McCraw

· Secretary of State:
- Sam Reed

· Treasurer:
- Allan Martin

· Auditor:
- Brian Sonntag

· Atty Gen:
- Rob McKenna

· Public Lands:
- Doug Sutherland

· Supt. Of Public Schools:
- Randy Dorn

· Insurance Commissioner:
- Mike Kriedler
Whatcom County Offices/Issues:

· State Rep: 42nd Dist:#1
- Doug Ericksen

· State Rep: 42nd Dist:#2
- Jere Hawn

For South Whatcom County:
State Senator: 40th Dist:
- Steve Van Luven

Charter Amendment No. 1

Public Utility Dist. 1
- Jeffrey L McClure

State Measures:

· I-985 - Concerns Transportation
- Vote YES

· I-1000-Physician Assisted Suicide
- Vote NO

· I-1029 - Require Long-Term Care Workers to be Certified-
- Vote NO


As for 'spreading the wealth' here's a little thought that was drawn somewhere else:


Anonymous said...

You are a joke of a libertarian if you are against I-1000, have some integrity and let people make their own decisions without the state having control over their life and death.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

What part of FORMER libertarian don't you get?

I am all for Liberty, but If you've stuffed as many suicides in body bags as I have, you might not want to see the increase in legal home suicides that this will increase.

Yes, I'm selfish.

Get over it.

It's your life,
You do with your life what You want.

Just please don't do it in my fire district.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

gk did not make the Lt. governor pick, that is my pick.
I am taking a lot of hits over my Lt. Governor pick from long time GOP folks,
and I took a couple on my NO on 1000 from my Librarytarian buddies, too.
My timber friends don't like either of their choices for public lands and that is the same with many hunters, too.
both of these guys are making it tougher for resource harvest in this state. However, with Southerland's opponent, the thought is that Timber harvests would stop altogether.
I was leaning to support standards for training for long term care providers until I realized that it would require spouses and family members to have to get the same certifications to care for each other.
As always, I pass out the credit and am happy to take the blame.
For my other readers, any changes from gk's original post are my own and blame me.
It's not my first goof, and definitely not my last.
I just wish I could get all these great comments on my comment section on my blog instead of my personal e-mail...
Thank You,
Poindexter P. Parkenfarker

Anonymous said...

Regarding the state measure on training for long term care providers, it sounds good and noble. It also sounds like yet another bureaucracy that will have to be funded, staffed, monitored, and grown (all bureaucracies grow... it's the one thing they do well!) I say no to 1029.