Thursday, November 15, 2007


This morning the first thing that I read was an article on the front page of the Seattle Times.
Inside our own borders, in our own state, our equipment supply lines were attacked again by saboteurs, slowing vital equipment needed for our efforts in Iraq. But that is not the way it was reported.
This anti- American 5th column were called peace protesters and not the traitors that they are.
Before I continue, I want to be perfectly clear. All American citizens have the right to peaceably assemble and protest the war, or Stop Loss policies or any other thing that displeases us. For those of you who truly believe in your protests, Knock yourselves out! I'm all for your individual liberties. That makes our country great.

However there is a difference between protesters such as our Local Mr. Knappenberger who is protesting Stop-Loss without impeding our war effort, and the treasonous "passive" soldiers who are giving our enemies aid and comfort through their efforts to cut our supply lines. These people are not peace protesters, but traitors and illegal combatants. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Just as we won the Viet Nam War during the 1968 TET, and lost it due to very organized "protests" cutting off the troop trains and delaying soldiers and equipment, we find ourselves in a similar situation.
The Troop Surge is working, sectarian violence is drastically declining, and suddenly, there is a coordinated effort focused on the Port of Olympia and elsewhere at a critical juncture. This effort is going to be publicized and may be glorified by our some of our news reporters as a protest, when in reality it is cutting off a valuable supply line that our troops on the ground need. When our enemies hear this, just as in 1968, their leaders will tell them, "hold on for another day, another week, another month, another year." Sound Familiar?
All of these 5th columnists are not supporting our troops as they claim and are only a slight degree away from spitting on returning soldiers. Anyone want to bet me on this?

A firm stance and message should be sent to the organizers of this attack on our supply lines. You will be taken prisoner, interrogated, and held at Gitmo. You are a Traitor,you have committed Treason against the United States of America. If you are a U.S. citizen you will be tried and possibly prosecuted as a spy and saboteur if found guilty.
As for those of my friends who disagree with the war, even though I wholeheartedly disagree with you, exercise your right to free speech, assemble and protest 'till the cows come home...
but if you try to cut our supply lines, you have now become an enemy combatant, and a 5th column soldier for our enemies. GAME OVER.

1 comment:

Clarissa Guerra said...

Oi! I'm Clarissa Guerra {Brasilian}
Other interesting your blog.
