Thursday, November 15, 2007


Power is on and I'm off the generator. No I didn't forget the Marines Birthday or Veterans Day. THANK YOU EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU VETERANS!!!

Last night I had the pleasure of listening to Lt. Lynn (Buck) Compton. It was the second time that I met him. This gentleman really impresses me.
For those of you don't know who he is, he lives in the Northwest and was one of the members of Easy Company during WWII. He and several other men were featured in the book, Band of Brothers which was made into a mini series.
His perception and wording is specifically that, "In all wars we have fought from the revolutionary war to present are not about adventurism and conquest, but a resistance to Collectivism, no matter what name is currently fashionable."
In his address to our audience with many veterans present from WWII to present, he described a couple who had a building permit to remodel and repair their home. They were in the process of rebuilding and had their permit revoked to protect a small rodent. They ultimately lost their home and had to bulldoze it to protect the habitat of this little disease infested vermin. To this he exclaimed, "I did not fight for this, but for individual liberty!" He then asserted that the Growth Management Act is the State of Washington's biggest assault on Individual Liberty.
"We fought against the National Socialists Workers' Party, and now you young folks are Breaking the Faith with us, by allowing collectivist anti-liberty doctrines to trump individual liberty." These doctrines included everything from the GMA to the indoor smoking ban. He described one of the Gentlemen from Easy Company who in order to enjoy one of the few pleasures left in life for him as a cumbersome ordeal. In order for this one legged 80+ year old man to have a cigarette with a cup of coffee, must get his crutches and hobble out into the rain at least 25 feet from any exterior door, because if he's 24 feet he fears he may be fined or arrested.
His message was firm and simple. We fought for all of our individual liberty and now you need to keep the faith and fight against collectivism wherever you find it. He said that collectivism goes by many names, "Communism, Socialism, Progressivism." None of these political beliefs is friendly to free people.
I wish I could do his speech justice. He has a book coming out soon, and it is tentatively to be named, "A Call to Duty" and I suggest that it make your reading list.
Thanks Again to ALL Veterans, we owe you a debt of gratitude for our individual liberty and to keep up the fight against COLLECTIVISM, no matter what the fashionable name of the day is.


Anonymous said...

That's my dad-Buck Compton. I am glad you enjoyed his speech. You know he has a book coming out in May.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Your Dad is something else.
When I met him the first time I picked his brain about the motorcycle that was referred to in the book. I wondered whether it was a Harley or an Indian. He wondered what us nuts saw in motorcycles, and laughed...
Anyway, his "driver" mentioned his upcoming book,and I hope to get an early copy as soon as it comes out.
Thanks so much for your comment!

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

and another thing...
let me know if I strayed off point from what your dad says, I sure don't want to misquote him. I know that my perspective probably did not do him justice.