Monday, November 19, 2007


Less than 100 students skipped school in Ferndale and protested the Iraq War. Well, what about the rest of the kids who were looking for any excuse to skip school. We almost had NASCAR here in Washington and our state legislature stopped it. Those dirty rotten so and so's.
Those high school students who are being disenfranchised and have no voice in State politics need to SKIP SCHOOL and PROTEST that there is not going be NASCAR in Skagit county. This is an attack on the redneck youth of America. They had better be ready to attend Saturday school scheduled on opening day of racing season. It would be worth the sacrifice.

Wally is correct on his blog that two wrongs don't make a right, (but two big lefts and two straight stretches make an oval. -my thought...)

Not to leave out the Aquatic Enthusiasts, they could have their own skip school day and demand to bring home the Hydros to Lake Whatcom. Those big (Bio-fuel) Nitromethonol powered thunderboats huge props could rapidly oxygenate the lake purifying it for the rest of the year.

Now, I don't want to be unbalanced because the redneck kids now have two protests and the Peace/Love kids only have one. So here is an Idea for their next peace/love protest. National Hug A Muslim Day. Spread our western love to the rest of the world and create world Peace.

Citizen Steve is correct when he said on Sam Taylor's Blog that my Fantasy World is a dangerous place. Be afraid, be very afraid...

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