Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Dino Rossi Came to town last night and had a standing room only crowd, was trailing in the polls 47% to 45%. Not bad considering that he started at 17% in 2004.
Back when I coached youth baseball, I would tell my teams, that if an unfavorable call by an umpire changes the outcome of the game, then WE let the game be too close in the first place. This applies in politics, too. Rossi won 2 out of 3 counts, and then the judge (umpire) made a final call that was unfavorable to Dino. The twice elected Rossi didn't throw a tantrum, but went back to work. Now he is back, and this time not to win close but to win big.

Last time he had support from Republicans, Independents, and yes, Dinocrats! In a crowd of slightly less than 200 people were many who I did not recognize. and these people were wearing union t-shirts, and some were local business owners who seldom come to political events, along with those who are long time GOP folks.

This is not a time to win close again, but a time to win by such a margin that it will be unarguable that Dino Wins. This time, Libertarians will be welcomed too, as their 64,000 votes ultimately assisted a current Governor who has shown no love for your viewpoints get elected.

You know, even I know 129 folks who could step up and change the outcome this time, do you?
This is a rematch and this time, let's win big!

1 comment:

Wally said...

Glad to see you there the other night. Also glad you can remember all those numbers like 47%, 45% and ?% With such a dismal track record and those kind of support number, I can hardly wait to see what the Democrats come up with for a campaign.