Wednesday, January 9, 2008


(I'm honored to have long time local writer, Wally, from WallyWondersWhy? -Dexter)

In the process of picking the right candidate for the 2008 election we first need to do a couple of house cleaning items. To start, we need to throw out all socialist Democrats, progressive Democrats, liberal Democrats; OK let’s just throw out any notion of a Democratic Party candidate altogether. In fact since our nation won't survive too many more Democratic Party Presidents, we should quit considering them as candidates altogether.

That leads us to the second housecleaning item; we must throw out any notion of choosing the best candidate. We don't need to consider who the best candidate is, nor should we look for someone who is eminently electable. We should be focusing on the persons who will make the best president and during that process the right candidate will become apparent.Our nation was founded with some pretty progressive and enduring principles at it core; life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, common defense etc.
The best leader for our nation is one who knows and believes in these principles. The best leader for our nation will work in the right direction to conserve these principles.And to be more clear we need someone who is on the conservative right, someone who has been on the conservative right, and someone which we have great faith will remain on the conservative right. I think Fred Thompson is clearly the best choice for this position of leading our nation.

While others under consideration may have veered left on abortion, veered left on taxes and veered left on health care; Fred Thompson has remained a straight arrow conservative. He was a conservative in the late 60's as an assistant US attorney in Nashville. He was conservative when he served as special counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. And he was a conservative when he served on the Senate Intelligence committee. Former Senator Fred Thompson was a conservative and is a conservative.While some may dismiss him, find fault or humor in his acting career, I find it ironic that he conspicuously avoids getting caught up in the Hollywood tabloid glitz so he can remain focused on issues.

And I agree with Fred Thompson's list of the biggest issues and challenges faced by our nation today.
* The ongoing threat of Islamist terrorism* The unresolved economic threat of entitlements
* The need for lower taxes to ensure our nation remains economically competitive and innovative
* The need to secure our borders
* The need to support families and to protect our children from the harder edges of culture
* The need to remain engaged in the world while remaining true to America’s principles

And when I look at the list I see threats to our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness, and our nation’s security. I can’t argue with any of them. Fred Thompson is spot on with identifying threats to our nation’s core values. He is a qualified conservative through and through candidate with the guts to stand up for what is right.

Let’s put Fred Thompson in the White House.

(Wally, thanks so much, for your contribution. Folks, go check out his site: -Dexter)

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