Monday, March 10, 2008


What a weekend!
I put a bunch of miles on the bike, met with lots of folks, and had a great weekend.
Saturday I put most of my miles on the bike, but even though Sunday was cloudy, it was still nice. The only rain I got hit with was on my way home Friday evening from Chihuahua's in Ferndale. But so what. Rain is good!

Guess what? I met with Sam Taylor and his wife, and my wife came along for the ride!
That was a pleasant evening. It was nice to actually meet with Sam eyeball to eyeball. His wife is a very nice and classy lady. And of course, the food at Chihuahua's was excellent as always.
I love my good food, beer, and Tequila poppers!

Anyway, Sam has a pretty good sense of humor and we talked about mostly non political non blogging fun stuff, but we did talk about the blogs and politics a little. It's good to meet folks who are involved in politics or report on politics, but who understand that there is so much more to life than politics.

Sam, meeting you and your gracious wife was a great way to start the weekend!
We'll have to do it again sometime!

By the Way, Councilman Conductor Buchanan, Sam knows who I R now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only I didn't have to walk around that scooter of yours on Saturday morning, where it was hiding from raindrops under an entry awning.

God, Guns and Rock & Roll, in that order. Scooters are way down the list.