Thursday, March 13, 2008


Our beloved State Legislature did it again.

They increased spending by $308 million dollars.

This is a 33% increase.

Since Christine became Governor, her new spending has now reached $8.5 BILLION in new spending. (and I thought the last two decades of Democrat Governorship was bad.)

How are they going to pay for this? Our evergreen state now has a $2.4 BILLION deficit and it is like a teenager with a credit card.

Now, many items are missing from the current budget. What are we spending our hard earned tax money on?

1) Not the SR-520 Bridge

2) Not the I-90 Bridge

3) No, we're not replacing the Alaska Way Viaduct

4) Not the property tax relief that the Grinch who Stole Your Paycheck promised in November last year.

5) No funding for her feelgood Family Leave program

6) No final recommendations for her basic education funding

7) No Sonics for Seattle, Key Arena will not be renovated

Putting all this off until 2009 appears to me to be the lacking adult responsibility that seems so prevalent in Olympia these days.

24 years of Democrat control of the governors mansion is enough. How are we going to pay for this new $2.4 BILLION deficit.

Remember what Gregoire said over in Spokane, " the citizens of Washington will just need to be educated on why a State Income tax is a good thing."

Like I need more money taken out of my paycheck.

Washington's working class and business class are going to pay for universal health care for those who choose not to work, and for those who broke in to our country illegally.

The roads will still not be upgraded properly, Social pograms will increase, and you and I will add several more hours a week not to pay for what you and I need, but to fund the unsupervised spending habits of the elite progressive agenda.

Gee, thanks...

1 comment:

Dave Gagnon said...

The photo montage is HILARIOUS! I can't look at Gregoire the same way again!