Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Last night Damon Gray put it best, and I am sure that my oversimplifying what he said will not do him justice. I hope that someone has a recording of his speech at Northwood hall.
But here is what I heard and interpreted...
Regardless of the outcome, Damon felt good about the election, as conservatives run not because conservatives are looking for a job. He has a real job. Conservatives run because they are called on not to rule, but to serve us the citizens. Many conservatives who run for office not only have jobs, but actually run businesses that provide living wage jobs. So when guys like Geyer get beat, they get up tomorrow and go back to work providing those jobs and contribute to the overall community. Damon and Larry go back to work.

Here is what I think...
Dan. TAX AND SPEND, at least he doesn't run around with vandals and tree spikers.
Gene, Barry and Stan are probably Keyensian, but may be the last and final vestiges of sanity to hold off the Gang of Four.
Will Barb Ryan Put her money where her mouth is and ride her bicycle to work or go grocery shopping on the city busses?
I wonder though if Terril knows that he got re-elected to serve Bellingham or if he's already packing his bags for Washington DC to serve the second congressional district along with Cindy(stupid is as stupid does) Sheehan as foreign policy experts and protest tourists?
Will Louise ask what she is voting on before rather than after she votes?
Will Jack push for making the neighborhood associations an unelected Tyranny?
As Damon, Larry and Bill go back to work today, I wonder about the the other two who got defeated.
Will Michael stomp around home telling everyone just how smart he is and that everyone in Bellingham is too stupid to know it, or will he go ask Bill Geyer for a job?
Will Dan build an unpermitted tree house and invite Al Gore to live with him?

All seriousness aside, Congrats to all who won, and thank you to ALL who ran.

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