Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I disappear for a few days, and didn't write a thing. Didn't even look at a computer screen, either. It was real nice. I ran into fellow online guy AFY today and he said I missed some stuff that is right up my alley, especially with my NRA related stuff. I'll have to go and see what all the fuss is over at the Herald.

On the other side of things, I did run into more Ron Paul supporters than you can shake a stick at when I got back. Is this some kind of awakening or is it a preplanned phenomenon and Whatcom County is the new geographical target? The funny thing is that many of these supporters talk Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Trilateral commission, Area 51 and other conspiracy theories as to why their guy Ron won't get any media coverage. And I thought that my tinfoil hat wasn't fitting right. Several of 'em are even talking seceding from the Union.

I would think that this is some kind of awakening, but these supporters tend to show up en force in waves. I ran into 10 of 'em in one day! As I listened to them, many had a different message than Ron Paul has, and I wonder if they realize just how much they sound like they should be supporting Lyndon LaRouche. (Is he still a Democrat?)

The best one I heard was a Bipartisan Ticket between Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. (I wonder if Klaatu will be their secretary of State?)

How many of you know that we have a candidate for president right here in Whatcom County?
His name is SOCK. His campaign motto is don't vote stupid. I added his website as a link, even though he is not what I would consider a viable candidate, (Like Paul and Kucinich.) Why did I put a link to him on my site then? Check out his site and it has a page called Sock Versus:
It is Like Shopping at Fred Meyers, local and a one stop shop of ALL candidates websites including the quitters...

Anyway, I'm on my way over to the Herald site to see what all the fuss is. You don't suppose some lefty just saw the light and is going to have Ted Nugent write a column, do you?
Life is good!

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