Saturday, August 30, 2008


(Guest writer: 'the real' gk)

(yes it's been quite some time since foreign policy expert gk has written for me, my fault, not his...-Dexter.)

You've probably seen the T.Boone Pickens's Wind Farm ads? There seems to be something rotten in Denmark (or the Texas PanHandle). Naturally- "Save the Planet" Pelosi is involved with her greedy fingers in the pie - It never ceases to amaze me that big politicians like Pelosi will sell the country down the river just so they can personally profit for relatively peanuts, compared to what either the state or the nation will have to invest in a program - just so they can make their piddly profit. In this case - $5 Billion in Cal. State Funds and $5 Billion in Federal Funds -

No wonder McCain has taken as his campaign slogan - "Country First" before Self or some such. It seems a lot of our politicians are doing just the opposite and putting themselves first, either to personally profit or to be re-elected. Maybe we will get the ex-energy regulator - Gov. Sarah Palin on Pelosi/T Boone's case! Wouldn't that be something if she made this giant rip-off one of the cornerstones of their campaign? - they should!

In my research - I found a couple versions of the story - so included both - each has some details the other doesn't have. But it's a shame that our main stream media doesn't cover these sorts of scams, nay, even profit from them, selling them TV ads, like the ones that T Boone Pickens has flooded the TV with. Shame! -gk


Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

just like she got initiated the investigation on Ted Stevens,
The Pelosis and all corrupt politicians who have made backroom deals should be scared...regardless of Party Affiliation.

Bellinghammer said...

I'm a fan of how she refused to be a pawn of the corrupt State Republican Party, even though it meant it hurt her chances for political office.

Also she had this to say about Ron Paul:
“He’s a good guy,” she added. “He’s so independent. He’s independent of the party machine. I’m like, ‘Right on, so am I.’ ”

On top of that she supported Buchanan's run for President. Now all they need to do is keep her talking about economic issues and leave all the war-mongering to McCain.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Palin is great, but no talk now.
Husky football on TV.

Go Huskies and Jake!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since we could not find a vehicle registered for T. Boone Pickens, the oil man on television, see what vehicle his wife drives