Monday, September 1, 2008


Many like to poin' out that I blog with a fact free style.
I admit to it. Let the smart guys use references and cites etc.

However the Daily KOS is beyond the pale. these guys portray themselves as newsguys and many of the Democratic leadership goes to their conventions and even blog on this hate spewing site.

It was not satire when they accused Governor Palin of horrendous things, pertaining to her youngest son and her eldest daughter and some kind of cover-up.
I read it and tried to give them the benefit of the doubt as I know how very difficult trying to use satire and humor is, but even a satire monger like myself couldn't find humor in their meanspirited attack. And I tried to find humor, but it wasn't there.
In response to what they Libelously printed about Palin, I have to admit Obama was classy in his response, that Families, especially the kids are off limits. He even said that if they work for him that they are fired.

Well I'm eagerly waiting to hear him fire the daily KOS. (should I hold my breath?)
It seems that also our governor gives the KOS special interviews, and some local bloggers use them as source materials, too.

Lets see who defends the KOS and who severs ties with them. They are free to print all the libel they want, and the U.S. citizens will see just how tough and thick skinned Sarah is.

To repeat my disclaimer: Don't take my word for anything, look it up yerself... the way, maybe the KOS should use a similar disclaimer, especially if they're gonna follow my lead and try the challenging task of using humor. (Oh, they were serious? oops.)

...the funniest part of all is that when,

ll: liberals talk, conservatives win...
...when conservatives win, liberals get angry...
...when liberals get angry, liberals talk even more... :ll

(perpetual repeat for the musically challenged, and now for the next twostep, annaone, annatwo, annathree)


Bellinghammer said...

Obama, will milk the Daily Kos for all its worth. Let them spew out their misinformation and slander, wait for it to sink in, get picked up by the media, then issue a minor rebuke when necessary. This way he can get the dirt out there and still try to come out looking clean. Seems to me he plays politics as usual...

I like how democrats who are for the Fairness Doctrine don't want it to apply to online media. They only want to censor the talking heads they disagree with. Disgusting.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

You cracked the code...

But the 'progressive press' offline and online never tangled with a Kodiak Bear or an Alaskan Babe.

They'll lose every time, 'cause both'll eat you alive and won't even spit out the crunchy bits...