Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It seems that Quinnipac, Rasmussen and even Gallup agree. McCain is leading in their polls even as the DNC convention is under way. It should be the other way around.
It seems that McCain should just take a nap, get rested and let the Democrats talk themselves right out the election.

What does Billary ONE mean when today when he said, "imagine you're a voter and candidate x agrees with you on most issues, but is unable to deliver? On the other hand, Candidate Y agrees with you 50% of the time but is able to deliver. Which one would you vote for?" And as an aside says that this isn't real or it's hypothetical or something. Then just what is he referring too?

Last night, Senator Biden dizzes his wife, by stating something about her being a hot babe, then whines about her having a Doctorates degree. Hmmm. (Geez, you think that he'd be happy to have a Hot Babe for a wife who is also smarter than he is, I mean... I'm happy that my Hot Babe Wife is smarter than I am. Makes life purty simple for me...especially since she has to help me with all the big words.)

Nancy Pelosi, the unionized proletariat's mouthpiece, (who it appears fought against her own multiple companies' employees to unionize.) has another wonderful inconsistency to add to her laundry list of inconsistencies:

Claiming that the Catholic Doctors of the Church don't think that life begins until 3 months after conception. Members of the clergy are out in force chastising her for that misrepresentation. She quickly backtracked and stated that most Catholics disagree with the church and don't know when life begins.

In typical Democrat fashion, these nice folks say what they think will win votes. I can't believe that they are speaking their conscience...or are they?

In other legislative thoughts, Will Senator Obama sign off and support Senate Bill 636? (I'll let you fact pounders figure out which bill that is...)

Anyway, John...take a nap, wake up a little cranky, and appreciate the lead that the Donkeys gave you, without you having to do a darn thing. A 3 point bump for John?... and we all thought that Barack should have gotten a Convention Start Bump, A VP nomination Bump, and tonight a Unity Bump, and finally an end of convention bump that may not happen.

I can't wait to hear what Billary TWO will say tonight. So much for Unity...The Denver convention is starting to shape up to be a good demolition derby...

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