Friday, August 22, 2008


All seriousness aside, I’ve been giving this some thought, again...

More than half of Whatcom County registered voters have decided to let a minority of us decide who they will get to choose from in the General Election in November represent our County In Olympia. These same folks decided to let the same minority decide who will represent them in their respective parties, or who will be a judge.

I’ll bet it is similar or worse across the State.

Who are these minority scoundrels that decide for the rest of the folks in the county?

My guess is that of the registered voters:
The first two groups of voters are probably active and participate in most elections, Generals, Primaries, Bonds, Levies, Off year local Elections, etc.

The first group represents about 35 to 40% of the registered voters.
(The numbers to the left are closer to what I suspect about this county.)
15 to 20% are Solid Republicans
20 to 15% are solid Democrats
This group as a whole probably votes somewhere between 90 to 100% of the time.

The second group
5 to 10% Independents, Libertarians and Greens
These folks probably vote somewhere between 90 to 100% of the time.

Who are these folks that appear to be content at letting people like me decide for them?

This third group of voters, the other 50 to 60% is probably harder to pin down. These folks probably vote in 70 to 80 % of most general elections, but participation may be almost negligible in primaries and bonds and levies.
Sometimes these folks will vote in off year local cycles, but even then in small numbers…most of the time.

The numbers chosen are only for the purpose of illustration. Go to the Secretary of State Website and the County Auditor website for abstracts and precision numbers. If my premise is flawed, I’m thick skinned, what am I missing, or where is it flawed?

If my premise isn’t flawed, then this gives me a chance to explore a few other questions about the silent majority, who quite often, choose not to vote.
Who are they?
What motivates them to vote?
What has been motivating them not to vote?
Do these folks ever come out in large numbers to vote?
Would the outcome be significantly different if they do vote in large numbers?

(Will they support Poindexter for President, 2016…)

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