Sunday, November 2, 2008


First off, if you don't like my opinions, don't read 'em.

The first Step of any Tyrant is to disarm the citizens of his country:

McCain's Opponent has demanded revoking concealed carry permits for law abiding citizens.
He uses the emotional name of an inferior piece of stamped hardware, the AK 47 as an excuse to ban legal ammunition, and legal firearms.
He has a long history of voting against law abiding citizen's 2nd Amendment rights.
Just a thought:

So what? you might say?

How about a Chicago politician who has said he will increase taxes on the wealthy?
His numbers have gone from calling those who earn 1 Million per yer year down to a half a million a year, to 250k per year and now he says 200k per year.
Yet his own running mate claims they will raise taxes on those whose families earning 150k per year, and his biggest supporters are now calling those husband and wife's who earn 120k together wealthy.
Senator Obama's voting record shows that he considers a husband and wife who earn $41,600. per year as wealthy. (Redistribution of wealth was coined by Adam Smith or Marx and Engels?)
His campaign transition team says to be aware that now the economy is so bad that we may have to lower the definition of wealthy even more, and not to expect his PIE IN THE SKY promises. (Makes Klinton sound honest)

Now this Chicago trained elitist wants to bankrupt the coal industry. What other energy producers will be punished by Obama when they try to help us to be liberated from the corrupt OPEC?
What kind of energy are we supposed to use? some Gilligan's Island peddle contraption generators?

His inner circle of mentors include a Terrorist Ayers who dedicated his book to the murderer who shamelessly killed the Democrat icon Bobby Kennedy.

He has a cadre of folks who hide information from the American Public. The LA Times who doesn't want us to see him praising the actions of a PLO terrorist who praised the actions of PLO's arm, Black Hand or more correctly Black September who shamelessly murdered the Israeli Olympic wrestling team in 1972.

The governor of Hawaii has sealed his Birth certificate from scrutiny, While his website has a forged Certificate of live birth that has him born at a Hawaiian hospital that wasn't even built for 2 years after he was born.

His campaign has paid $832,000.00 to ACORN, an organization that criminally and fraudulently registers voter addresses and names.
His Democrat cronies want to change voting laws to allow early and often voting and late voting on election night. If one opposes it , one will be accused of voter suppression.
His campaign donation specialists, his two former college roommates who are foreign nationals cleverly accept $199.00 donations over the Internet via "prepaid" VISA cards. It will take years for investigators to trace these potentially illegal overseas contributions.

And finally, he plans a taxation trifecta with Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi.

He believes the US Constitution is flawed and that the Supreme Court should legislate redistribution of wealth from the bench.

The National News Medias are Silent on all of this. Why?
They claim the election is a done deal and he has already won. Why?
Have they reported their in kind contribution to the FEC?
Sounds like an investigation is in order.
Won't happen with the Triangle of Corruption Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, though.

How about you small business owners when the Unions force your employees to unionize?
These three want to eliminate secret ballots for Union votes, which will ultimately lead to intimidation of those who don't want to pay dues to corrupt Unions.

The Mail only voting schemes across America also have chewed away the sanctity of the secret ballot.

Finally, he wants to dishonor all of armed forces by unilaterally surrendering worldwide.

And what a better weapon against America than a 'progressive' Trojan Horse in our White House.

What is the solution to preventing this?

Keep it simple. Vote for McCain who will VETO the porkbarrel earmarks.
McCain will make the crooks from either party famous.
No wonder the National News Media, the Unions, and the long time incumbents are very scared of McCain and Palin.

It is time to clean up Washington DC and have a real Commander in Chief.


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