Thursday, December 20, 2007


As many have noticed, I left Tom Tancredo off my links as I did with Brownback. I suspected they would be early drop outs and they are. After the Dec. 12th debates I considered leaving my original favorite VP pick from 2000 off the list as I figured he would gain no traction and not become viable. (my second pick pick was Tom Ridge) I thought about this for a few days and decided to add Ambassador Keyes to the list.
He is eloquent and tenacious, he is a candidate that a conservative pro liberty guy can really get behind. There are some former Alan Keyes supporters that I see in the Ron Paul camp now, and I am wondering if they will return to Keyes or remain with Paul? I still think that he will not gain very much support among mainstream conservatives, But would be an incredible running mate to a more social moderate candidate such as Giuliani or fiscal moderate like Huckabee.
If you have a chance to read about Alan Keyes and his experience. Google him or see the link in my right hand column as a start, He is very interesting. He understands LIFE, Liberty and ownership of private property. He remembers that income tax was never ratified and was when it was supposed to sunset. I think he has very strong conservative values as well as libertarian values.
I brought him in immediately as my number three favorite, even though he lost to Obama for a senate seat. I like this guy and will be interested in following his campaign. If Thompson doesn't get a fire in his belly soon, I may move Keyes to my number 2 spot. If Paul doesn't learn eloquence, then many of his supporters will be arriving at the Keyes campaign doorstep when they learn about him. Especially those rare Paul supporters who know how important a strong foreign policy is and that the Military, free trade, and a common currency really are the only things our federal government should be involved in, and all the other issues should be reserved for the States...
...where did I read that?...


Katrinka Yobotz said...

You are exactly right. Dr. Keyes has the tenacity, character and courage we need at this time. We can trust that he will not be indebted to deep pockets once in office. His message has been clear, consistent and longstanding. It is time that conservatives find out that in Alan Keyes they, indeed, can have it all.

The media no longer controls the election process thanks to "alternative media" such as yourself.

If you want to feel uplifted about America's future, read the many great comments left by pledge signers at

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Thanks for your comment, Katrinka.
I have him as my nuber 3 pick (subject to change)
I spoke on his behalf as a potential VP at the State convention in 2000. His ability to get the big foreign policy picture, to blend libertarian and conservative thought and to eloquently express it far exceeds my little p-brane ability to do so...

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

nuber 3... excuse me Number 3 pick.

Mark said...

A potential Obama/Keyes rematch...remember he did get cleaned in that race. I wasn't happy that he ran against Obama because it took ammo from conservatives who didn't think Billery should be running in NY.

I don't think many people will warm up to him no matter how eloquent he is. I question whether he even wants to win if he entered this late

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

I think that you are right, Mark.
This time as last time, I think that he is attempting to frame the debates as a counter-balance to the media's intent to frame the debates.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Keyes established his campaign on Sept. 14th, 2007 -- just nine (9) days after Fred Thompson. He was not "too late", just passed over by the media (so what's new?)

I recommend the website

The campaign has posted speeches, video, audio, interviews, ... current day back to the late 1980's. Also, Keyes wrote a series of 13 articles preceding the 2008 campaign: "Crisis of the Republic" -- I've not made it through all of them, but the one's I've read challenge common misperceptions in a cogent, compelling manner.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Thanks for your note.
I thought that he'd announced round about the time that Fred Annonuced.
I was disappointed that Keyes, Hunter, Curry, and Paul were left out of the Fox Forum on Jan. 6th (last night) although the Paul people had an entertaining little circle parade outside of the post forum show...