Monday, December 17, 2007


3 Issues Important to me:
1) National Security
2) Border Security
3) Individual Liberty

I like Ron Paul, but his solutions to these issues, in my opinion are wrong. I agree with his individual liberty point of view. But I am leaning strongly toward Duncan Hunter and then Fred as my #2 pick.

I am a former Libertarian as some others claim to be. I welcome you to the county GOP. We are a big tent party. I can accept Ron Paul supporters just as well as I accept members like John Robinson who was recently attacked on line by commenter's in the Herald.
As Reagan said, "If we agree 80% of the time that's good enough for me." He also said, "speak no ill of a fellow republican."

We should butt heads over issues, but be unified in supporting whoever gets the final nod. Practically speaking, Ron Paul will probably not get the nod, just as my guy Hunter will probably not get the nomination either. That is why we caucus and hold conventions. I welcome the energy of the Ron Paul supporters, and hope that they remain with our Big tent party even after my guy and their guy most likely won't win the nomination.

Whoever we choose to represent us, we need to work together to get him elected. I am so glad that there are so many folks who are wiser than myself and understand.
However, Reagan never said we can't poke fun at each other...


Anonymous said...

Hi P3,

I appreciate your mentioning that the Republican Party is a Big Tent. Unfortunately, a vocal few may dominate the conversation and totally skew the reality of a situation. I applaud those people that are active in supporting candidates they believe in and go the distance in their support.

I will say that I'd love to know more about specifics on issues, not broad generalities. It gives clarification to the discussion. So what does Ron Paul say on your top three issues? What does Duncan Hunter say on those issues? And what about the others on those issues?

Happy Pondering

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Thanks for your comment.
I have been holding off on specifics until January as I will have a writer for each candidate.
So far I have one for Thompson, Hunter, Giuliani, possibly Huckabee and am looking for writerss for the others. I have one gentlemen in mind for Paul, but am looking for a Romney guy and a McCain guy. I will write on behalf of whomever has no-one stepping forward to represent them.
Until then, rather than take my word for what they say on these issues, scroll down the right side of the page to find their websites and read it in their own words. All 7 can do much better than I can at stating their positions.