Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As I write this, China currently has an orbiter circling the moon, possibly two.
They no longer recognize the United States claim to possession of the moon.
So why would they care if we are going to use a non explosive interceptor type missle from an Aegis Destroyer to shoot down a Spy Sattelite of our own that never functioned properly?

Today we will shatter it into little tiny pieces, instead of letting it potentially come down intact and crash into possibly some populated area.
Is it that we are demonstrating that we can hit something at 150 miles from the surface of the Earth?

Perhaps this is why Russia is agitated, because if successful, it demonstrates that even if we don't deploy early warning systems in Southern Europe, we can still take their stuff down. The Russians have been harrassing our Navy ships aggressivily in International waters recently, and consider our knocking down one of our own satellites aggressive actions.

Do any of our current candidates understand the strategic importance of establishing a colony on the moon?
I'm not talking about tourism, but minerals and gases that are prevalent on the moon.
Many of our current Nuclear physicists claim that Nuclear fusion would be great if we didn't have to repair facilities every five years because of excessive heat and Neutron damage to the interior of test structures.

This brings us to Helium 3, on Earth only a byproduct of Nuclear weapons construction.
On the Moon, Helium 3 is prevelant, potentially making the coloines on the moon the Potential OPEC of the 21st century.

Will the United States bow down to China, India, Japan, Russia, and even the slow old European Union? We will if we elect a president and congress who don't understand the Strategic Importance of the next Decade. Bush has it right on this one, Reagan had it right, But we are behind already. and it's only the the third inning, and most of us don't even know or care that the game is already being played.

Knocking down our Defunct Spy satellite takes on a new meaning now.

Yes, I do have tinfoil hats for sale...


Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

By the way, France is agitated too...but that is just a bonus...


i believe i have uncovered a symbolic discovery of unlimited clean energy of using water via nuclear fusion upon palm sunday 2007- I have been shown many signs after this date-in the beginning it was two sticks for fire- now- i propose two electrodes for unlimited clean energy- it is energy which fuels a world for comfort-life-stability-coupled with laws from the heavens we have lived our lives- we are all messengers of god if we listen-we are communicated with thru our dreams-coincidental moments-etc- you would be lucky to have one handful in which you swear to be divinely inspired in your entire life-our time is a test and we are by far left alone in order to see how we help one another- do not expect the heavens to fix mans problems- it is the heavens who watch us fix our own- we have everything upon this magical blue planet- it is our duty as man to live up to our potential- my first name means peace- my last name is the father of Abraham-father of arab and jews- it is also the name of fire in the first religion of zorasterian to this day-in the beginning is a story of brotherhood between cain and able- in this age of enlightenment we shall be called together under god and see what the brothers of Issac and Ishmael do in the middle east- it is in the interests of all human beings to support its unification-as it is the desire all nations shall be under one God---IF WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN SOUNDS UNORTHODOX TO YOU-MY ROAD TRAVELED TO SOLVE THIS ENERGY CRISIS WAS UNORTHODOX-THE WEIGHT OF MY WORDS WILL BE FELT WHEN THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY HAS UNDERSTOOD THE MIRACLE I HAVE UNCOVERED--TO NOT WALK ON WATER-BUT TO DELIVER IT FOR UNLIMITED & CLEAN ENERGY--- TIME WILL TELL

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Wow dude!
I checked out your lists of blogs and you have more than you can shake a stick at!

Hey, thanks for the comments,

I am a little skeptical, the last time I played with 2 electrodes and water, it didn't turn out so good.

Honest, this IS a true story.
a number of years ago as a commercial fisherman, the guy I was fishing for had a live holding facility for shrimp (prawns) at the time we were selling them live for about $12.00 a pound.
so each day we spent time after harvesting, putting them in the the tank on the beach and sorting those that were getting weak and cooking them for our own use, leaving they robust for market.
This took quite some time every day, and since we had a long day on the water, this sorting process was getting old. we came up with several systems, until I had a genious idea. I ran it past the guy who I was fishing for and He thought it sounded good.
We had a shelf that floated just under the surface of the water, we figured that the robust would swim off leaving the weak behind... NO DICE! they stayed.
So I figured that since 12 volts is harmless at low amperage, why not take a battery charger and a 3 foot steel pipe and put the negative on one end, the positive on the other end, and the gentle electric trickle from 2 amps at 12 volts would encourage them to swim away. My boss thought I was a genious. we had 2 weeks of about 500 pounds a day in the tank, with our fresh catch of 500 or so pounds on the "self sorting" floating platform.
Well, my boss tossed the bar in the tank in the middle of the floating platform and we waited for them to "self sort".

Nothing happened,
Not a single Prawn moved,
Anywhere in the tank,
Now a little math exercise:
14 x 500 x $12.00=????
this was the math problem going through my bosses head as we both realized that we killed all of our live product.
We shut the power,
drained the tank turned on the cookers and My boss,
His wife, his kids, me, and any poor sucker who happenned to stop by started snapping shrimp heads and icing everything as rapidly as possible and Boss was on the phone calling buyers etc...
It's all anti climatic from here,
but the moral of my digressive little story is that electricity and water scare me about as much as 2 sticks making smoke did to Og, the caveman's hunting partners...