Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Just pondering...


Wally said...

At first I was going to scold you over the inappropriateness of this type low level humor. But then I realized that rather than just pointing out the physical similarities, you must really have been pondering the social implications of the Grinch story and its parallel to our Governor and Democrats in general.

At first I was blind, but now I see,
the great message of hope, gasp! I was a dope.

After the Democrats in the guise of something good, have slinked slinkily into our homes and our 'hood;

after they've grabbed every thing we have earned and yes, taken our liberty the very thing that makes us free, taken everything back to their shop, like a big shopping spree;

after they have taken the very roast beast from our table and made our little kiddy-loo-whos cry boo hoos with a wail;

after all this, yes even then, they will still hear from us, our message of hope that we send;

after all of that, and then only then, will the Democrats realize their way was wrong in the end.

Now I'm going to outside to wait in the snow, for the big sled from Olympia, that I know will surely show.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

I'm guilty.
Locker room humor and juvenile humor is my specialty...
great story....