Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
Anyone remember when Democrats actually cared about this?
In thier move to the extreme left, they have abandoned the blur collar worker to become the party that has no direction, No hope for the future, No real Ideas of their own.
The biggest thing recruiting new supporters to Dino Rossi, Is the current governer herself.
Folks who voted for her last time, are now saying, "Why should I pay for my health care and the Health care of people who don't want to work?" She and the State Democrats are proposing to pull that money out of my paycheck to do it. I thought that we didn't have a State Income Tax.
But it appears that she is trying to sneak one in under the guise of Universal Health Care."
This is a great gift! Going out and recruiting new supporters for the challengers with bad ideas that hurt the working class. Punish the family who make a combined 50 to 60 thousand a year. Keep proposing a State Income Tax too, while you're at it.
Who is this helping? Are they American Citizens? Are they those whom are disinterested in working? I'm skeptical. The working poor already have a state health program. This is pandering to the socialists, who want something for nothing paid for by you and me. Guys and Gals with JOBS.
p.s. State legislators, keep focusing on impeaching Bush, too. That's bringing more folks with common sense to Rossi also. The State voters gave you consent to legislate on our State Policies, and you,ve fumbled a 2 billion dollar surplus, and put us back into the red. Your own State and County employees have a class action lawsuit over your mismanagement of transfering PERS 2 to PERS 3 retirement accounts. This oversight will cost Stae propertyowners (taxpayers) an additional 5.5 million dollars. No wonder you are taking the back door approach to raise car tabs, allow retroactive property tax increases, and propose to create a State INcome TAx, Increase the gas tax, increase the sales tax, and add a penalty to our paychecks to pay for health care for those who choose not to enter the job market.

To my Democrat Friends:
Thank you for recruiting new GOP support from those who built your party in the 20th century.
The 21st century GOP is a big tent, and the Blue collar worker is just as welcome now as when you came over to vote for Reagan Twice to elect him to two slam dunk landslide victories. It's okay when the rest of you vote for Dino. It is still a secret ballot...

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