Tuesday, January 29, 2008


(Guest Writer: gk)

What a wonderfully interesting election season!

A week or so, I commented about a Ron Paul editorial and Dexter was kind enough to post it to his website - (See:
http://parkenfarkergroup.blogspot.com/ subj: February 5th primaries)

I predicted that the Florida Primary and perhaps the 5th Feb. 20 plus state primaries were really going to sort the presidential primary races out. Course that's not such big news, everyone is saying that. But I made some specific predictions - back a week ago when all the polls were pointing to Billary and McCain wins in Florida.

Today, Monday, has been an exciting day in Presidential Primaries. Where to start? There have been so many surprising events on this day when the S. Carolina Primary results have been announced - Obama trounced Billary 55.4% to Billary's 26.5% Edward's trailed at 17% ! And McCain won handily with 33.3%, Huckabee, 29.9, Thompson, 15.7 and Romney 15.1% and the rest in single digits including Ron Paul with 3.7%. Sorry Ron Paul folks, those figures are going to continue in Florida and elsewhere! I think Giuliani is going to be a one primary candidate too.

Owing to the fact that Bill Klinton angered most of the Blacks and apparently a lot of other folks with his criticism's of Obama - there was a lot of speculation as to how the demographics of those voting for Obama and Billary would break out. As expected, a lot of the blacks supported Obama, but quite a large number of especially white men voted for Obama. But I guess he soundly defeated Billary, two to one - and with all the various commentator's criticism's Billary is getting about their "tag team's" bringing race into the discussion - I think this might be the end of Billary's presidential bid/campaign. The big Mo (momentum) might have just swung- in South Carolina, and now the liberal D's are coming out of the woodwork that are endorsing Obama all over the place! Caroline Kennedy - who till now, has stayed out of the spotlight and hasn't ever endorsed anyone! And then Ted Kennedy coming on board and endorsing Obama on cable TV this morning. And now I hear that the Democrat Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius who gave the forgettable and poorly given response to Pres. Bush's State of the Union speech, plans to endorse Obama tomorrow! And rumor has it that former Pres. Carter and maybe even Algore are coming on board (the band wagon) and endorsing Obama!

I'll bet Billary and Bill's jaws are stiffer then a woodpecker's lips! And they are seeing their ship of state sinking in front of their incredulous eyes! What to do now? I have long predicted that sooner or later, one of them was going to do something that the MSM couldn't ignore, but I never dreamed it would come this soon, or the form it would take. I expected it was going to be Bill's philandering or Billary's illegal campaign contributions. But for Bill to go out in one or two speeches and with a few ill-chosen racial remarks undoing years of Billary's positioning herself with the black voters? Who are an essential constituency for her to win the presidency. Some of the black voters are even saying now, that if Billary wins the Democratic Primary over Barack Obama, they will vote for whoever the Republican candidate is, rather then vote for her! That's some powerful stuff! You gotta love it! Whoo eee!

Tonite, Obama and Ted Kennedy were sitting side by side, during the State of the Union speech and talking together so intently when the TV camera's were on them, I expected them to kiss and hold hands! And whenever the TV panned over to Billary, she had a prune faced look on her face that would have frozen water! You gotta love it. One smart aleck announcer said he thought Obama and Kennedy came into the House Chamber holding hands! Not true, but trying to make a point!

One of those mixed D & R panels that trace the speeches with sqwiggly lines, were informally polled and asked - in view of the severe media and black commentator's reaction to Bill Klinton's comments about Obama being a one dimensional candidate who only appeals to black voters, and therefore couldn't win the presidential election, while Billary could, -- what the Billary/Bill tag team ought to do now? Most of the panelists (both party's) said, Bill ought to take a long vacation! Al Sharpton was even more blunt - saying Bill ought to shut up! That he has really damaged Billary's campaign playing the race card. So, with only 8 days to go till 5 Feb, if Obama manages to win tomorrows meaningless Florida primary (the Dem's have said they aren't going to honor the Florida Democratic Primary results - because they moved their primary election up without the DNC's permission), he may even add to his momentum going into the big 5 Feb nation-wide 20 states primaries. And Billary is frantically trying to come up with a strategy to regain her momentum, with only 8 days to do something.

Some are predicting she will now play the Hispanic card - trying to appeal to the Hispanic voters - perhaps in Calif? to replace those black voters she expects to lose to Obama. We'll see.

So, it's late and I have to go to bed, but before I do, I will further add to my previous prediction where I stated I thought Romney was going to win Florida in a squeaker. (Now Johnny come lately - Newt on TV tonite also said the same thing - I predicted that last week, when McCain still had a big polling lead).

I am further predicting, whomever wins Florida tomorrow on both sides of the isle, has a very good chance of being the Republican & Democrat Candidates for President - and again, giving you-all even more reason to mock me, if I'm wrong! So I guess I am far enough out on a limb and I will go bed.

One final remark - Dick Morris was on Hannity and Colmes tonite, and was being teased cuz he too, now thinks that Obama has a very serious chance of knocking Billary out of the race. I forget which Hannity or Colmes reminded him that he has for the past year, not only predicted that Billary would win the Presidential nomination, but also the presidency. It's the first time I can recall Morris ever admitting in public that one of his "chiseled-in-granite" predictions seems to be -becoming unchiseled! He is always so sure of every word that comes out of his mouth - it was delicious to watch!

There were other things that happened today with the State of the Union speech, where Pres Bush rubbed the D's nose in the fact that one year ago, all the D's were predicting doom and gloom and failure in Iraq, and the surge won't work, and now apparently it has! Gotta love that too, Pres. Bush couldn't hardly keep his famous smirk off his face when he was saying that! but I'll quit with this - goodnite Irene!

(Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families— Of all the gifts you can give them, PRAYER is the best!) gk

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