Sunday, January 27, 2008


(Guest Writer: Q)

While the political focus tends to be on the presidential primaries, the state legislature is working on over 1000 new bills that are out to take your money and make your life more congested.

I am happy to say that the House did pass a bill to let motorcycles turn left at a red light when there is no traffic and their bikes don't trigger the light sensor because they are not heavy enough. I know there will be some happy people on this blog. I don't know what the Senate will do with this.

On Friday I sat through a public hearing where the lobbyists were all testifying about the substitute to the bill in question and the legislators hadn't actually seen the document they were referring to. The original bill would add a 14th Growth Management Act element to be considered by local governments whenever they are doing planning which requires the community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 standards. For Whatcom County, that should be great because GP was still in production then, so I'm guessing the air quality standards weren't so good and so it might not be so onerous. The new standards will require a mapping of the carbon emissions footprint in the county at the county's expense, probably underestimated at a cost of $20,000 to $25,000.

Futurewise was the lead proponent of the bill, and their lobbyist kept mentioning how "we" drafted the bill instead of the prime sponsor, Rep. Simpson. When challenged on the number of lawsuits filed for GMA violations by the Republican members, their lobbyist couldn't say about the number. After the hearing, a more senior Futurewise person said there have been hundreds of lawsuits. Local governments should be concerned because this is one of four pieces of legislation that the environmental community wants to pass this year, and it is going to cost local governments and property owners that want to develop land thousands of dollars in compliance costs and legal fees.

The bill number is H.B. 2797.

(if I can get my readers to comment, I might be able to convince her to keep us updated on the happenings in Olympia! -Dexter)


Anonymous said...

Q, we need your reporting, here in Blueham we are very limit to hearing about what effects us regular Joe's!


Anonymous said...

Once again the Ninny State Progressives shot down the change in the Language on Helmet Laws.

All we wanted is that Helmets be required for all riders under 21.

Let those who ride decide!
If you don't ride then I could give a $%&# what you think!

Anonymous said...

By the Way,
Thanks for the update, Q.